All posts by Ms Dezall

Pupil of the Week

Our congratulations go to Marco who was chosen to be Pupil of the Week. Marco has settled in beautifully to Primary 2/3 and has made a huge effort to learn our routines. Way to go, Marco! We are very proud of you!

Pupil of the Week

This week our congratulations go to Nathan for being chosen as Star Pupil. Nathan has made a huge effort to contribute during Topic and RME lessons. His valuable contributions during our discussions have been fantastic! Way to go, Nathan! We are so proud of you!


Pupil of the Week

Congratulations go to Rebecca for being chosen as our Pupil of the Week! Rebecca always tries hard and does her best. She has also made a huge effort to increase the pace of her work this week. Way to go Rebecca! We are so proud of you!

Pupil of the Week

This week our congratulations go to Kamil! Kamil has settled in beautifully to Primary 2/3. He has made a huge effort with all of his tasks but we were especially impressed with his creative writing this week! Kamil’s description of a dragon was absolutely fantastic and was finished with complete independence. Way to go, Kamil! We are so proud of you!

Pupil of the Week

Our congratulations go to Kian for being chosen as the Star of P 2/3 this week! Kian has settled in really well to Room 5 and has made a huge effort to improve the neatness of his work. Way to go, Kian! We are so proud of you!

Star of the Week

Our congratulations go to Adel for being chosen as Star Pupil this week! Adel has made an excellent improvement in working with coins during Maths. He has tried his very best to count money accurately and use the strategies he has been shown. Way to go, Adel! We are so proud of you!

Pupil of the Week

This week our congratulations go to David for being chosen as our star pupil! David was chosen for the fantastic effort he made during his writing this week. He really impressed us with his descriptive writing about a robot. Way to go, David! We are proud of you!

Nativity Songs

We have begun singing the songs for our nativity. If you would like to help your child practise at home, please use the links below to access YouTube tutorial videos.

YouTube links to the McTivity tutorial videos:

Intro –

Song 1 –

Song 2 –

Song 3 –

Song 4 –

Song 5 –

Song 6 –