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P5-7 are Leading the Learning

P5-7 are reading the novel Wonder written by R. J. Palacio and have been answering reading questions about the text.

Today they were leading the learning by working with partners to set their own reading questions.  We began by talking about what reading questions are designed to assess:

Then they identified specific question stems:

Here are the questions they created:

We shared our questions and had an interesting discussion about what makes a good question.  The next task will be to answer the questions…

Numeracy and Maths: More measuring in the forest

Yesterday, at the forest, P5-7 were doing more work on measure.  This time they had to work with a partner and follow written instructions for measuring a tree.  Afterwards, they all agreed that it was more difficult than they had anticipated.  However, we  had an interesting discussion about the vocabulary used in the instructions as well as considering the factors which may have affected the accuracy of our measurements.  Well done everyone for persevering.

Morag Hood Author Visit.


We welcomed Morag Hood last week via google meet and had a super morning discussing her books and having a go at drawing Brenda the Sheep ourselves. We were thrilled to hear Morag read her own stories and it is inspring us in our  literacy work too. Thank you Morag!