Tag Archives: writing

What’s Your Favourite Sport?

You will all soon get an activity diary from Jillian Gibson and I’ll tell you more about it soon. So for this week’s homework task, tell me about your favourite sport….but it must be one that you have taken part in or at least tried out. To help you, follow this short plan:

1. What is the sport?

2. Why do you like it so much?

3. Where and when do you do it?

4. What skills have you had to learn?

5. What do you get out of doing this sport?

6. What are your plans for improvement?

You can write about any sport at all from dancing to bmx biking. I look forward to your reports…and don’t forget VCOP!!!

Homework: Purple Mash Task: My Ambition

This week’s homework task is about asking you to look into the future. What is your ambition? Do you know? You need to think really hard about what skills you already have, what kind of person you are and what you want to make of your life.

Use the purple mash template to help you. The key words on the left will help you to plan your work and then you can also add photos and clipart to make your finished piece look interesting.

Good luck! I’ve put a link on the sidebar or you can navigate to purple mash yourself too if you would prefer.

When you have finished your task, click on the save icon on purple mash. Save your work to your desktop, you will be asked to give it a title, and then upload it to your blog in exactly the same way that you would add a photo.


Jamie Rix

In class you have been listening to a Jamie Rix story about an 11 year old boy called Alasdair Fury. Alistair is always trying to find new ways to get revenge on his older brother and sister whom he really hates!

For your task this week, I would like you to imagine that you are Alistair Fury and write a diary entry for Friday telling:

1. What did his brother and sister do this time?
2. What does Alistair do to get revenge?

Remember to use your most creative ideas ——> excellent sentence starters ———> brilliant punctuation!

I look forward to reading your MEGA imaginative stories…..no murders allowed!