Tag Archives: Shetland

Burravoe P.S. Shetland

Did you know that there are other children in schools in Scotland that use GLOW blogs to record all of the interesting experiences that they have at school? I have been speaking to the Head Teacher at Burravoe P.S. which is on the island of Yell. This is one of the island in the group we call the Shetland Islands. Check out where this is on the map. It really is very far away!

You will find the link to their blog on the side bar to the right. You will discover that this is a very interesting school. Why not leave some comments on their blog. (Remember that you must always be polite because you are representing your school.) The children and their head teacher have already been reading your blogs and if you look, you might discover a comment!

I hope you enjoy this link. It’s fun learning about new people in new places.
