Tag Archives: Opinions

New P.5/6 Homework Task

I hope you all enjoyed being in P.5 and 6 today. Did you feel more grown up?

Next session is going to be very exciting at Kilmartin P.S. and I am currently starting to plan some exciting projects and workshops for you. Of course you will all be getting to know your new teacher, Miss Brown. I know that she is really excited about meeting you too. However, we need your help! We need to know what you want to learn about next year, what projects you want to do, what special events you would like me to organise and what visitors you would like me to invite! Your ideas will be much better than mine – so get thinking!!

Make a list of ideas on your blog for me to consider – you never know, you might just provide the sort of ideas we are looking for! Make sure your ideas are exciting, fun and achievable!

How can we make school even better?

We are rapidly getting to the end of another mega busy session and soon all of our wonderful P.7 students will be leaving and heading onto the next part of their exciting educational journey. Before you go…I know you can’t wait……and to help the Primary 6 children to get the most out of their final primary year, I would like you to think what, from your own point of view, could make Kilmartin Primary School even better in the future.

There are a variety of issues you might want to consider but please put anything at all on your list and don’t worry about hurting my feelings – I want to know the truth because that will really help me to make changes that count!!


Do teachers make lessons fun?

Are lessons active or do you spend too much time sitting listening to your teacher talk?

Do you enjoy the topics in class?

How much do you have to think everyday?

Are you bored at school?

What excites you at school?

What have been the ‘best bits’ this year?

What should happen next year?

Do teachers talk to you enough?

Is your opinion valued by teachers?

OK – go for it, tell me whatever you think. Remember, the ideas above are only ideas and please do not answer them with yes, no or maybe because that’s no help to me at all!!