Tag Archives: hello

So Why Are We Blogging?

hello kitty
Good luck!

I hope that you all enjoy our new blogging adventure! Now that you have discovered the exciting world inside Glow you need to make the very best use of all of the technology you now have available at your fingertips…this IS the 21st Century after all!

I hope that you get used to logging into glow and adding pieces of writing of any sort to your blog. You are able to do this in school or at home as long as you remember your glow username and password. Remember only you and I know your password so make sure it stays that way!

If you haven’t yet tried to log-on from home, have a go as soon as possible. you could even do your homework on your glow blog!

Over the next weeks you will learn how to add pages, photographs, links and clip art to make your blog look more interesting.

Other teachers in Mid Argyll will be able to read your blog and leave you comments about your writing to help you to improve and to give you extra ideas.

I really hope you find having a blog a new and exciting adventure!

Happy blogging!