Tag Archives: blogging

The day the nation took notice of Primary Blogging!

The use of technology in schools is moving ahead rapidly. Since the beginning of January 2010 the children in P.6/7 have been blogging and there interest, motivation and excitement for the project has been wonderful. You may have heard a bit about primary blogging on the news the other day. Kilmartin is not alone in getting the children active by blogging – or using a real context with a real audience for writing!

One of the leading schools in the forefront of primary blogging is Heathfield P.S. If you would like to find out what they have been up to, please click on the link on the right.  Here’s the beginning of Mr. Mitchell’s report, describing the day the T.V. cameras arrived at his school!

Breakfast T.V.

To think that just over 14 months ago, Heathfield didn’t have any blogs is virtually unbelievable. Those of you reading this will no doubt know the story so far so I won’t bore you with the details,

however, the developments over the last few days have been monumental!

Not long ago, Heathfield Primary became an affiliated SSAT Primary school – Something EVERY school should consider doing! The SSAT are an organisation that have expertise oozing through their veins. Through this affiliation, Heathfield were able to support and guide Heathfield into a position to showcase blogging and the fantastic impact it is having on our school community.

On Friday 11th February, Heathfield were featured in an article in the Independent. At about 12:10pm the phone started ringing…

BBC Breakfast News were the first to contact us, followed by Channel 4 News at 12:40pm and then BBC Radio 4 at 12:45pm. The chain of events that followed were exciting and also slightly comical!

So Why Are We Blogging?

hello kitty
Good luck!

I hope that you all enjoy our new blogging adventure! Now that you have discovered the exciting world inside Glow you need to make the very best use of all of the technology you now have available at your fingertips…this IS the 21st Century after all!

I hope that you get used to logging into glow and adding pieces of writing of any sort to your blog. You are able to do this in school or at home as long as you remember your glow username and password. Remember only you and I know your password so make sure it stays that way!

If you haven’t yet tried to log-on from home, have a go as soon as possible. you could even do your homework on your glow blog!

Over the next weeks you will learn how to add pages, photographs, links and clip art to make your blog look more interesting.

Other teachers in Mid Argyll will be able to read your blog and leave you comments about your writing to help you to improve and to give you extra ideas.

I really hope you find having a blog a new and exciting adventure!

Happy blogging!