Tag Archives: 21/1/11

Homework for 21/1/11

Now that you are able to log onto my blog, we can really get cracking with a super homework task this week!
Up to now, you have just been doing very short pieces of writing in your blog. This week, I want you to try to write a longer piece that you have thoroughly checked over before you post it. I want to see how accurate your writing/typing can be. I am going to accept this piece of homework is YOUR VERY BEST WORK!!!

In class we talked about the Stone of Destiny being stolen and hidden somewhere in Scotland for many years. I want you to write me a story of at least 300 words with a beginning, middle and ending called, “We Stole Scotland’s Stone!”
When you are writing this story, I would also like you to remember about all the work we have done in class about interesting sentence starters:
1. Words ending in ly at the beginning……eg Interestingly, ….
2. Double adjective beginnings……eg Fast and swift…..
3. ing verbs at the beginning…….Running, ……

Success criteria..What am I looking for?
1. An interesting story with a clear beginning, middle and ending
2. Well checked, with no spelling, capital letter or punctuation errors
3. Interesting sentence starters

Good luck! You can also add pics!