How Good Are Your Research Skills?

Your homework task this week is to use your research skills to find the answers to the following tricky questions! You can use the link to ‘Mrs Johnson’s Virtual Classroom’ to help you with your research.

1. What is the highest ever temperature recorded in Scotland?

2. How many years does an elephant live on average?

3. What is the current world record for the men’s 100m sprint and who holds this record?

4. What is the highest price ever paid at auction for a painting?

5. What does the highest earning footballer in the world get paid in one week?

Good luck!!

How can we make school even better?

We are rapidly getting to the end of another mega busy session and soon all of our wonderful P.7 students will be leaving and heading onto the next part of their exciting educational journey. Before you go…I know you can’t wait……and to help the Primary 6 children to get the most out of their final primary year, I would like you to think what, from your own point of view, could make Kilmartin Primary School even better in the future.

There are a variety of issues you might want to consider but please put anything at all on your list and don’t worry about hurting my feelings – I want to know the truth because that will really help me to make changes that count!!


Do teachers make lessons fun?

Are lessons active or do you spend too much time sitting listening to your teacher talk?

Do you enjoy the topics in class?

How much do you have to think everyday?

Are you bored at school?

What excites you at school?

What have been the ‘best bits’ this year?

What should happen next year?

Do teachers talk to you enough?

Is your opinion valued by teachers?

OK – go for it, tell me whatever you think. Remember, the ideas above are only ideas and please do not answer them with yes, no or maybe because that’s no help to me at all!!

Homework: Purple Mash Task: My Ambition

This week’s homework task is about asking you to look into the future. What is your ambition? Do you know? You need to think really hard about what skills you already have, what kind of person you are and what you want to make of your life.

Use the purple mash template to help you. The key words on the left will help you to plan your work and then you can also add photos and clipart to make your finished piece look interesting.

Good luck! I’ve put a link on the sidebar or you can navigate to purple mash yourself too if you would prefer.

When you have finished your task, click on the save icon on purple mash. Save your work to your desktop, you will be asked to give it a title, and then upload it to your blog in exactly the same way that you would add a photo.

Cycle Safety

Imagine that you are cycling from Kilmartin to Crinan. Write a list of at least 10 dangers that you might face on your journey.
Now think about 5 things that you could do to help keep you safe on your cycle journey. Write down these ideas explaining clearly how each would help.
Think of a safe cycling slogan that we can use in class in no more than 5 words. There will be a prize for the best entry.

The other teachers will be the judges.
Good luck!

Jamie Rix

In class you have been listening to a Jamie Rix story about an 11 year old boy called Alasdair Fury. Alistair is always trying to find new ways to get revenge on his older brother and sister whom he really hates!

For your task this week, I would like you to imagine that you are Alistair Fury and write a diary entry for Friday telling:

1. What did his brother and sister do this time?
2. What does Alistair do to get revenge?

Remember to use your most creative ideas ——> excellent sentence starters ———> brilliant punctuation!

I look forward to reading your MEGA imaginative stories… murders allowed!

Scottish Traditional Music

I hope you all enjoyed your first whistle lesson today. It is really wonderful for us to have Lou come into school each week to share her talent. Your task this week is to:

1. Go onto YouTube and search for the tune Lou is teaching you called ‘Silver Spear’. Listen to the tune everyday right up to next Tuesday to help get it into your head. (I’ve added a link in the homework category which you will find in the sidebar.)

2. In at least 100 words find some interesting facts about the instruments used in Scottish Traditional Music. You may add pictures.

Good luck!

PS – let me know if you want me to order you a whistle for home, it will cost about £3.50.


You will love this! Using PrimaryWall we can all work on an idea together by posting sticky notes. Let’s try it out and get collaborating! PrimaryWall is a web-based sticky note tool designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time

Scottish Education Awards

Very exciting news!! Kilmartin P.S. is in the final 3 of the Scottish Education Awards! The judges will be visiting the school on Monday 18th April. If you would like to leave a comment for the judges on our blogging project please add it to this post.

The aims of the project are:

1. To make the very best use of 21st century technology in the teaching and learning process.

2. To give children an opportunity to enhance their technology skills.

3. To inspire children to write and to improve and share the standard of their writing.

4. To use ICT for homework tasks through GLOW.

5. To inform parents/carers of the possibilities of using technology for learning.

6. To make learning fun.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Homework for 1/4/11

Now that you have been blogging for a full term, I need to find out how you feel about this way of doing activities at school and at home.

What has worked for you? What kind of task do you enjoy?

Do you think blogging helps you to learn more effectively?

Have your literacy skills improved?

What are the advantages of blogging?

What are the disadvantages?

What could we do to improve blogging?

What other ideas do you have?

I look forward to reading your opinion.

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