Jamie Rix

In class you have been listening to a Jamie Rix story about an 11 year old boy called Alasdair Fury. Alistair is always trying to find new ways to get revenge on his older brother and sister whom he really hates!

For your task this week, I would like you to imagine that you are Alistair Fury and write a diary entry for Friday telling:

1. What did his brother and sister do this time?
2. What does Alistair do to get revenge?

Remember to use your most creative ideas ——> excellent sentence starters ———> brilliant punctuation!

I look forward to reading your MEGA imaginative stories…..no murders allowed!

2 thoughts on “Jamie Rix”

  1. I wrote around 327 words but when I cliked on publish the conection went off then I cheked in drafts and it was’nt there

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