Scottish Traditional Music

I hope you all enjoyed your first whistle lesson today. It is really wonderful for us to have Lou come into school each week to share her talent. Your task this week is to:

1. Go onto YouTube and search for the tune Lou is teaching you called ‘Silver Spear’. Listen to the tune everyday right up to next Tuesday to help get it into your head. (I’ve added a link in the homework category which you will find in the sidebar.)

2. In at least 100 words find some interesting facts about the instruments used in Scottish Traditional Music. You may add pictures.

Good luck!

PS – let me know if you want me to order you a whistle for home, it will cost about £3.50.

2 thoughts on “Scottish Traditional Music”

  1. This sounds really fun but I can’t get onto Youtube because it goes really slow and my computer is broken and needs to get something installed 🙁 ……could I do it at school or something….sorry!:D 🙂

  2. Hi Iona – I’m trying to work out how I can put it into my own blog..might be able to put it on the school website. Try looking there later…..still got to make the tea!

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