Scottish Education Awards

Very exciting news!! Kilmartin P.S. is in the final 3 of the Scottish Education Awards! The judges will be visiting the school on Monday 18th April. If you would like to leave a comment for the judges on our blogging project please add it to this post.

The aims of the project are:

1. To make the very best use of 21st century technology in the teaching and learning process.

2. To give children an opportunity to enhance their technology skills.

3. To inspire children to write and to improve and share the standard of their writing.

4. To use ICT for homework tasks through GLOW.

5. To inform parents/carers of the possibilities of using technology for learning.

6. To make learning fun.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

10 thoughts on “Scottish Education Awards”

  1. I’ve been telling you all along that you are the pioneers of blogging! Very, very few children in Scotland do their lessons like this so it’s not surprising that what you are doing gets noticed – you are leading the way in 21st century learning methods!!

  2. It’s great to have a working example of what can really be done to inspire us all! I’ll try…….

  3. Hi Iona – yes, what do you think of blogging? I need some evidence of your opinion to show to the judges. Hope you are feeling better!
    Mrs. J

  4. Collaboration, relevance and enjoyment are evident in this blog in bucket loads. Students comments are fantastic for feedback on their allocated tasks and allow the class teacher to pick up on any further assistance that may be required.
    Students’ opinions are expressed with maturity and obviously valued by the teacher. A fantastic example of technology being used as an integral part of learning and teaching.
    Keep this up guys.

  5. I think that blogging is proving to be a really useful tool for pupils at Kilmartin Primary School. Completing homework through a blog is very successful as far as my son’s concerned, he receives a quick response to work which is still fresh in his mind. In this way I think the teacher feedback becomes more relevant and meaningful. I think another advantage is that many children will be able to express their thoughts and ideas at greater length through using a keyboard rather than always writing by hand.

    Another IT success at Kilmartin Primary is the website. It’s great is it to be able to see photos of what the children have been learning at school, often on the same day that the activity took place. It certainly helps me as a parent to feel more in touch with the learning experiences which the school is providing and therefore to better support my child’s education.

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