Homework for 28/1/11

This week I am going to ask you to carry out some research! Use the web links I’ve provided to find the solution!

Puzzle 1 Formula 1 Grand Prix Racing

Choose a race you want to go to. Find tickets, hotel and travel to get there. What is the cheapest you can find?

You can find web links to help you on the sidebar of this blog. They are called F1 info, F1 info 2 and F1 info 3. You will be able to find the cost of tickets, travel and hotels using these sites!

Contact me on this blog if you need help or ask me at school!

Post the answers in your own blog in a way that I will understand your choices/answers!

Good luck!

32 thoughts on “Homework for 28/1/11”

  1. Hi Finley! Have you looked at the F1 information website? If you have, at choice 1, click on the big blue button for ‘Race Tickets only’…..hope you like this task!
    Let me know if I can help!

  2. Hi Arran – use the F1 info 2 site. I hope you’ve picked somewhere you can fly to? Put in Glasgow – which is where you will fly from and then type in the city you want to fly to…ie Montreal. Just pretend that the flight is for 1 adult. Use the menu on the left and click flight only. you have to also put in the date, so check when the grand prix is and remember you have to come back so it will be a round trip. When you’ve made all the choices click the button and the site will find you a selection of flights and prices – choose the cheapest!

  3. Go to your dashboard (might be called admin on your blog). On the left side go to POSTS and click on Add New. Did you find this week’s task? Let me know if you need help 🙂 Hope you are feeling better!

  4. I cannot find the F1 information when I log on tonight. It was there last night but not now. Do you know why it is no there?

  5. Hi Tom, thanks for your message. I’ve managed to put the website links back. I have no idea why they disappeared or where they went!! We’ll all look at this task in class on Thursday again. Thanks for logging on and checking it out!

  6. Hi Anna – sorry, the web links vanished! No idea where they went but the are back now! We’ll look at this task in class on Thursday – lots to learn for all of us! Well done for logging on!

  7. Hi Anna – yes…of course you can use different websites but just check with your parents at home first!

  8. I have got it! Sometimes it doesn’t work though……… I’ll try get it all done tonight. 🙂 .

  9. Hi Theo..that depends on which Grand Prix you want to go and see! I would advise yu to choose somewhere that you have to fly to!

  10. That’s Ok David..we’ll be looking at the task in class too..just have a good look at the 3 websites that I’ve linked for the task..Which Grand Prix would you like to go to? I’ll help you tomorrow..any adult help at home tonight?

  11. Hi Iona – brilliant! Yes, the links disappeared last night – don’t know what happened, but everything seems fine tonight. Let me know if you are stuck. We’ll look at the task in class tomorrow as well:))

  12. Go to the first site, the F1 ticket site. Choose where in the world you would like to go to see a race…select that one by clicking on the button. Next click on ‘Book Now – step 3 and that will take you to a lot of choices of tickets that you can buy for that race, there are lots of different deals and I want you to look at them and try to work out what you think is the best value. You can pretend that you are an adult for this task or go for a kids ticket…they are available too.

    When you have managed that, go to the next site and try to find out how much a return air ticket would be for you to get to the right city for the race!

    We’ll look at it in class tomorrow, but see if you can do a bit yourself! Good luck! :))

  13. Yeah , she’s coming home today I think 🙂

    Thanks for asking! 🙂

    I’ll do it at school today! 🙂

  14. I managed to do it all!

    I think I did it all right but it was different from when it was on the whiteboard……!


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