Hi Monika, It’s good to hear that Filip is enjoying all the stories.
Look out for The Dinky Donkey, later today!
Hope you’re all well and have managed to enjoy the nice weather.
Hello! Glad to hear that Zion enjoyed the story. I enjoy being able to read for the children, even though they are not with me.
Say hello to Zion for me.
One of Filip’s favourite. Thank you for reading!
Hi Monika, It’s good to hear that Filip is enjoying all the stories.
Look out for The Dinky Donkey, later today!
Hope you’re all well and have managed to enjoy the nice weather.
Hello Mrs Hammermeister. Hope you are well.. Zion really enjoyed the story and want to say that you take care and have a good day. Thanks again.
Hello! Glad to hear that Zion enjoyed the story. I enjoy being able to read for the children, even though they are not with me.
Say hello to Zion for me.
Well done Mrs Hammermeister! 🐿