
In our reading groups we have been using Bug Club and learning to show understanding of a text. We are working on recalling and summarising what we have read. We can predicate what will happen next and are learning to critically evaluate what we are reading giving reasons.

Melissa- In reading I am in vert and we are reading a really good book called Mobile Fear. It’s about a boy that is very good with electronics but what he doesn’t know is that the phone could bring him great danger…

Sophie Lee- In reading I am in the group rouge and we are reading The Curse Of The Highway Man. It’s about three friends that go on an adventure into an abandoned pub which it is covered in spiders and spiders web and dust. They also do a play which makes Zac change completely…

Alexander- In reading group jaune, we  are reading the Queen’s Spy. It is about a boy called Edward and his sister Bridget. He finds out that they havebeen kidnapped by a queens spy and they become friends. He was found in the barn when Edward went to get some fire wood and he gets pulled to the ground by Cobbley (his name is cobbley). When Edward finds out about him his sister comes in the door. Cobbley hides in time but when she heard Edward speaking she knew there was someone in there. She finds out and gives him food. However will they be caught…..?