The children had great fun going on a colour hunt. Click on the posters below to see what they did and their comments.
Scots Day Tuesday 26.1.16
We are learning some interesting information about Scotland just now and one of our children suggested we had a party. So we are having a ‘Scots Day’ on Tuesday the 26th of January (because Monday is a very busy day in nursery). There will be lots of Scottish activities for the children to do e.g. making tartan in art and craft, listening/dancing to bagpipe music. Also we will have haggis (vegetarian), neeps and tatties for snack. It would be great if your child could wear some tartan on the day too.
Nativity Raffle Funds
Just to keep you updated. We have bought a new paint stand for our craft area. This stand allows the children easier access to their pictures and enables us to wheel it out to a free space for you to collect the ‘works of art’ for your walls at home. The stand is very sturdy and should last for many years to come. However, it cost £182. The school is willing to meet half the costs but we are paying the remaining £91. So from the raffle funds raised of £236 we are left with £145 to spend. We are carefully considering our next purchase. Thank you again for your generosity.
Our Learning Ideas (week beginning 18.1.16)
Here are the ideas from our children for next week. outline of children’s learning ideas 18.1.16
Our Learning Ideas
We have attached the learning overview for the week beginning 11.1.16 This gives you some insight in to what is happening this week in the nursery and allows you to discuss these activities with your child. Remember most of the ideas come from the children themselves in spontaneous discussion or from floorbook work. Some ideas, however, are teacher led to ensure the balance of the curriculum is maintained.
Stay and Play
Our next Stay and Play date is Wednesday 20th of January 2016. All parents/carers are very welcome to stay after drop off, for around half an hour, to play with their child and their child’s friends. It will also give you an informal opportunity to speak with your child’s key worker. We are looking forward to seeing you there. There will also be a short Parent Forum meeting straight after (with tea and biscuits) where you can let us know what is working well in the nursery or changes you would like to see. It would be great if you come to that too.
Thank You and Welcome Back
A big thank you from the nursery team for all your cards, good wishes etc. for Christmas. We were spoiled!
Welcome back to everyone. Hope you had a lovely holiday and are raring to go again.
Nativity Performances
Nativity Raffle
A big thank you to everyone who attended our Nativity performance last week and bought raffle tickets. We raised the grand total of £236. Thank you again for our star prize of a Kindle donated by Weslo Housing Management. It was won by Jaxson’s mum. Well done! We will update you shortly on what we intend to buy with the money.
Party Times
We’ve attached the nursery Christmas party times as a wee reminder.Nursery Party Thursday 17th December