Monday 23 March

Good morning everyone.

We will endeavour to upload to the Blog everyday with some activities for you to do with your children.

In the nursery we have been learning our new values song

To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star tune.

We’re part of Deans nursery,

Where we love to learn and play,

We’re kept safe in all we do,

nurtured and respected too,

We’re part of Deans Nursery,

Where we love to learn and play.

Keeping Active

The Body Coach is doing a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube. This is the link to access this:

This is maybe something that you could do together as a family.

Story Time

Today’s story is a Squash and Squeeze by Julia Donaldson. This is the link to the audio book:;_ylt=AwrExwiKhXheufcAIg2c3olQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBncGdyMzQ0BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZAM-;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTIxMjcwMARfcgMyBGFjdG4DY2xrBGNzcmNwdmlkAzhUNzU5REV3TGpGcnVYODBYaHRiQ0FBaE1UZzFMZ0FBQUFDRHJzV1MEZnIDeWhzLWFkay1hZGtfc2JudARmcjIDc2EtZ3AEZ3ByaWQDNWQ1Y2x3QUNRVkNfNmJfWU4wQkhMQQRuX3JzbHQDOARuX3N1Z2cDMQRvcmlnaW4DdWsudmlkZW8uc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMQRwcXN0cgNlYXJseSUyMHllYXJzJTIwZnJlZSUyMGF1ZGlvJTIwYm9va3MlMjBzcXVhc2glMjBhbmQlMjBhJTIwc3EEcHFzdHJsAzQ0BHFzdHJsAzY1BHF1ZXJ5A2Vhcmx5JTIweWVhcnMlMjBmcmVlJTIwYXVkaW8lMjBib29rcyUyMHNxdWFzaCUyMGFuZCUyMGElMjBzcXVlZXplBHRfc3RtcAMxNTg0OTU2ODQz?p=early+years+free+audio+books+squash+and+a+squeeze&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk#id=1&vid=ea1d72e1296bde72a639e0627cab5a74&action=view

We hope you are all safe and well. We will post more activities daily.



We are all palaeontologists!!!!!

Reuben shared his Home Learning with us this week and told us all that a palaeontologist is someone who studies dinosaurs. This week we have been learning all about dinosaurs teeth and what fossils are. Reuben also shared that most dinosaurs had a plant based diet. We found out that dinosaurs who ate plants had pencil shaped teeth, those who ate fish have knife shaped teeth and those that ate meat have razor sharp teeth. We learned that fossils are made when bones etc are compacted into the ground by soil etc and left for a very long time, their image is then visible on rocks and stones. We have been making our own fossils using different resources to make impressions in the play dough.

We have also been using different ways of measuring our heights and the dinosaurs. We measured our height using different sizes of dinosaur feet, we have recorded these in a graph so we can compare heights. We have been using tape measures and measuring lines both vertical and horizontal to measure height and length.

In the art area we have been making dinosaur eggs using paper machete, we glued newspaper to balloons allowing each layer to dry before adding the next. We discussed what colour the dinosaur eggs should be, the children wanted blue and yellow eggs. Once the paper machete was dry we painted them our chosen colours.

We have also been learning about the “network on our hand” which is a network of people who we can trust if we are worried, scared, sad or needing support. We drew the individual people we could trust and talked about how they could help us. We linked this to the story of A Huge Bag of Worries that we have been reading in the nursery as learning about how to keep us safe both physically and emotionally.

Some information about the setting

We were glad to welcome Ms Dillett to the Nursery team this week. She has spent this week getting to know the children, and staff, in the nursery and looks forward to working with the children in her group from next week.

We have had several new children visit the setting prior to starting from next week. I am sure all the children and staff will make them feel welcome.

We hope to restart our Community Learning next week, weather dependent. The children will take part in these sessions on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing on for these sessions. If you are able to help during the sessions please let a member of staff know, the more the merrier!!!!

One of our afternoon children was changed in nursery on Tuesday. However, his clothes were not on his peg at the end of the session. If you have taken these by mistake can you please return them to the nursery. In the bag was black cotton joggers and a green top with a pocket.

Again can I ask that all children have a change of clothes, including socks, in their bag at all times. We currently have no socks in nursery and limited tops, trousers and underwear.

This weeks question of the week is on the board, if you have not already answered the question could you please ask a member of staff for a gem to put in the tub. Your feedback is appreciated!!!

Have you seen this bear, his name is Deano.


Deano the Nursery bear has gone home with a child a few weeks ago and unfortunately he has not returned. We appreciate that this might be an oversight and/or that your child may be reluctant to let him come back. However, he is an important part of our nursery and all the children are missing him. If you have Deano at home, or in the car, could you please return him as soon as possible.

We have been learning all about dinosaurs in the nursery. There has been lots of learning going on with the children telling us what they wanted to know about dinosaurs. We have learned that dinosaurs are reptiles and that they hatch from eggs. We have been making hatching dinosaurs in the art area.

We have  been developing our fine motor skills and hand to eye coordination as we traced around the egg template, coloured our dinosaur head and cut the egg and dinosaur out. We were so proud of our achievements and some of our creations are displayed on the art gallery wall for everyone to see.

In the literacy area we have been using letter stones to spell out the different names of the dinosaurs. Some of the words are really trick to say and we have had lots of fun and laughs as we try and learn how to say the dinosaur names.

We have also been using the posters around the nursery to match the dinosaur and find out information about them. We have been matching them by their characteristics, shape and colour.

We have also been reading the story “A Huge Bag of Worries” where we have been talking about things that may make us worried and how we can get help when we are worried. There has been lots of discussion about who we could ask to help us when we are worried, have something bothering us or if we are scared or frightened. We have learned that if we share these worries with someone we trust then the worries are not as big or go away completely. We will share more about this next week.

Important information

Parents session for the nursery will be Friday 3 April from 8.30-11.00AM. If you would like an appointment with your child’s key worker there are appointment sheets up in the cloak room. Please select the appointment time you would like. These will be removed on Friday 27 April and no appointments will be issued after this date, this is to provide staff with time to compile information on your child progression for the consultation.

Also, we have very limited clothing in the nursery for changing children. Can you please ensure that your child has a change of clothes in their red/blue bag that is on their peg. We rely on parents washing and returning any nursery clothes that have been given to children. If you have any nursery clothes at home please return them asap to the nursery. Donations of clothes, particularly age 4/5, are greatly appreciated. We rely on donations of clothes to be able to provide  a change of clothes to children who do not have a change with them. If your child is changed in the nursery their dirty clothing will be placed in a bag on their peg for you to take home and wash.


We are looking for junk.

We are looking for junk to do junk modelling with. If you could please bring in any cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, egg cartons and any other items that we could use we would appreciate it. Please ensure that all items are free from food debris.

Look our for our junk dinosaurs that we will be building in our groups next week, we will display them in the nursery.


Our latest topic in the nursery has been Pirates. The children have been doing lots of activities relating to this topic including making treasure maps and telescopes. They have learned a new action song which they have enjoyed singing and dancing to. Perhaps you could sing the song at home with your child.

There was a treasure hunt in the garden where the children had to solve the clues on the treasure map to find the treasure chest. Some of the children made Pirate ships using apples and there was lots of discussion about floating and sinking.

During our weekly sessions with Planet Soccer there has been a focus on fitness. The children have been playing different games during the sessions with a focus on developing their gross motor skills as they moved their bodies in different ways. There was a game with “Spiders and Flies” where the spiders had to try and catch the flies and another game of “Shark Attack” where the children who were sharks had to try and catch the other children, the fish. All the children had great fun at the end of the session when they had to try and catch their coach.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to continue with our community learning due to the adverse weather conditions over the last few weeks. I am sure you will understand that their safety is paramount and taking them out in high winds or very slippy conditions is not putting their safety first. We hope that the worst of the weather is behind us now and that these sessions will restart in the next few weeks.

Stay and Play

Just a little reminder that this week is Stay and Play in the nursery. Parents and carers are invited to stay with their child for about 45 minutes. During this time you will have the opportunity to explore the nursery and join in a variety of different play opportunities with your child.

Also, during this time there will be a laptop set up in the nursery where you will be able to access your child’s Learning Journal if you are having problems in doing this at home. A member of staff will also be able to help you with any problems during these sessions.

If you would like to attend a session with your child but this week does not suit please speak to a member of staff to arrange an alternative day/time.

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