Tuesday 21 April

Good morning everyone.

Lunches will be available for all nursery children at the main door of the school from 12 noon until 1.30pm. Your child can choose from a hot lunch or a packed lunch with a choice of sandwich fillings. Information on the choices for each day are available on the school app or on the council website. You will also be able to pick up a box of cereal and carton of milk for your child’s breakfast the following morning. School staff will be at the main door to aid with the collection of these meals.

Today is going to be another nice day weather wise so we will post some activities that you could do outside either on your walk or in your garden. Remember that if you are going to be outdoors for a period of time it may be a good idea to apply some sun cream. It may not appear to be too warm but those rays can still be harmful.

Physical activity

Remember your Joe Wicks workout at 10am.  The link is

For something a wee bit different why not try the Cosmic Kids Dance Yoga using the link

Outdoor activities

When you are out for your daily exercise why not gather up some small stones that you could decorate at home. You could draw a rainbow, a love heart, flowers, a teddy or something else of your choice on the stone using paints or felt tip pens to do this. You could then gift these stones to family, friends or an elderly neighbour. You could also place them around your local areas for others to pick up and collect.

Tried this. Turned out super cute | Rock painting designs, Painted ...60+ easy rock painting ideas that will inspire you | Painted rocks ...Happy Flower Rocks ~ An easy flower painting idea - Rock Painting 101





You could also collect some natural resources including small stones, leaves, flowers, sticks etc and use these to create a picture either by laying them on top of a piece of paper or on the ground.

 Outside learning - Bears Create a picture of a bear using natural ...Upton Westlea on Twitter: "Ash Class have had a busy afternoon ...

Using chalk encourage your child to draw pictures and write on the pavement outside your home or on the slabs on your pathway. They can practice writing their name, write numbers from 0-10 in sequence. You could help them to draw a hopscotch and play the game together as a family.

Hopscotch ban is not all bad news | Rethinking Childhood


Moo music has a range of songs that provide children with different songs that they will enjoy listening to and joining in with. By copying the actions demonstrated on the screen the children will be developing both their fine and gross motor skills. To access Moo Music use this link



Plants can’t sit still is a nice story about how plants grow and what they need to grow. To access this story use the link


Maybe while you are out for a walk you can look at the plants and trees in your local environment and discuss how these plants are moving. See how many different ways you can describe these movements developing your child’s vocabulary as you do so.

Have lots of fun outdoors but remember to stay safe and keep 2 meters away from others outwith your household.

Monday 20 April and were are back!!!!

Good morning everyone!!!!

I  hope that you are all doing well and have managed to enjoy some family time together over the last two weeks. We have been really lucky with the weather so getting out and about for your daily exercise will have been more enjoyable than if it had been raining or worse snowing!!!

So we have some more suggestions of activities that you can be doing at home with the children.

Keeping active

Remember that you can still access the Joe Wicks daily sessions at 10AM.

Kids yoga “Popcorn the Dolphin” can be accessed using the link below:



The Wildlife Trust have a very good website that you may like to look at. It has lots of information that may be of interest to your child. On the website there are instructions on how to make a bee hotel. We all know that the bees are really important for the pollination of our crops etc and there numbers have been on the decline over the last few years. Below is the link on how to do this, something you could do and place in your garden or hang outside from your window.


For those with a bigger garden or outdoor space you could even expand this and build a bug hotel. This is on quite a large scale but could be adapted to fit in a space that you have. The children love exploring the bug hotel and finding all the different insects.



Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! is a nice story about some of the different bugs they you can find in the garden or when on a walk. It also give the children information about the different bugs and where you might find the, To access the story use this link:


Cross curricular activities

Learning sizes, colours, feelings, time, shapes and more with this video –

This is something that you could use to introduce your child to different curricular activities. This is a long video that lasts for over 40 minutes but you could use it in small sections and develop your child’s understanding of the concepts by playing games at home. For example the first part is based around size: you could look for items at home, pots and look at the different sizes of the pots talking about which would hold more or less? How many small pots of water would it take to fill the big pot? These activities could be done over several days.


Enjoy the rest of your day, more activities will be posted tomorrow.

Take care and stay safe.

Friday 3 April

Good morning all.

Mrs Anderson and Miss Kitchin have been checking in with some of our parents over the last few days, and will continue to do this until we have spoken to everyone. It is nice to hear from the families that we have spoken to that everyone is doing well. We understand that the children are missing the routine of nursery and can reassure you that all the staff are missing them as well.

There will be no daily Blog updates over the Easter holidays however here are some useful links that you could continue to use to help keep your children entertained during these times.

Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:



Bellow is a link to the Book Trust where you can find lots of lovely interactive books to read online or watch with signing.


Audio  books can also be accessed through Amazon for free at these times. The link to this is:


This is the link to a Book Bug session that your child may like to watch. 



Here are some treasure hunt activities that you can do with your child indoors, when out on your daily walk or in your garden.

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Make bird feeders

With lard (or butter), bird seed (or oats) and honey or peanut butter. Melt the lard in a pan and add the ingredients, stir it in before emptying it into small yogurt pots. Be careful when getting your child to help you, as the mixture will be hot. Place a small piece of string inside each pot and place them either in the fridge or in a sheltered area of the garden to set. Once they are set, you have squeeze them out of the pots and hang them on the trees. If you don’t have string for hanging them, you can still place them out on the grass and watch the birds come down to eat. If you don’t have yogurt pots, you can roll them into small balls (this should only be done by an adult as the mixture will be hot).

Tub of 30 Ultimate Fat BallsPin on workCheerio Bird Feeders for Kids to Make - Happy Hooligans

Using string, wool or ribbon and cheerios or similar type cereal. Thread the cheerios onto the string then tie both ends together and hang on a tree in your garden or when you are out on a walk.

I hope that the weather continues to stay kind to allow you and your children access to some outdoor time either in the safety of your garden or on your daily exercise walks or cycles.

Keep safe and well and there will be more Blogs posted from 20 April.

Thursday 2 April

Good morning all.

Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:


Another song and dance that the children love to do in nursery is Shake your sillies out. Why not join in with your child. The link to this song is:

Stories, Rhymes and songs.

The Mixed up Chameleon is a story about a chameleon who is not happy with himself and wants to be like others. At the end of the story he decides that trying to be like others isn’t that good after and is happy just to be himself. The link to this book is:


How to be a Lion is a story on a similar thread. Everyone expects a lion to be fierce but are all lions like that? This story is about a lion who was gentle and liked being different. You can access this using the link:


Play activity

Play is often referred to as children’s work. Its where they create and learn life long skills and you don’t need expensive toys for children to have meaningful learning experiences. The best resources are the every day materials you already have at home…. pots and pans, cutlery, wooden spoons and other cooking utensils, measuring jugs and cups, tins and packets and fruit and vegetables etc. Why not see what your little learners come up with and feel free to share on their learners journey!
Often children like to mimic what you do in the kitchen and ‘make dinner’ using the pots and utensils. Extend this learning experience by adding a little dried pasta, rice or cereal and allow them to spoon from pot to pot/bowl! But who knows, you might get space explorers that use the pots as helmets or superstar drummer in your livingroom! The learning and fun is endless!
They might want to practice pouring and explore early measurement language such as full, half full or empty etc.
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They may even enjoy using the tins, packets and fruit and veg from your cupboards to play ‘shops’ or maybe even practice chopping some veg (with support from a grown up).
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All of these ideas are extremely beneficial learning experiences for your little learners, with plenty of opportunity to explore and progress their language and early maths skills in a fun and exciting way!
Items of interest

Chester Zoo  also have cameras within the enclosures of several of their animals. When you access the link there are are selection of different animal enclosures you can chose to watch. You can access the videos of a live day in the zoo through:


If you use Facebook this may be something of interest for your child. Today at 12:00 midday Blairdrummond Safari Park will be broadcasting live from their Facebook page. Sorry I do not have a direct link to this.

Being responsible
After all the busy play and crafting activities encourage your child to tidy their things away. In the nursery we use the Tidy Up Song. When the children hear this song they know it is time to start to put away all the toys etc. Why not try this at home to. The link to this is:


Stay safe and well.

Wednesday 1 April

Good morning all.

Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:


A song and dance that the children enjoy in the nursery is Tofa Tafa. Why not join in with your child. The link to this song is:


Stories, Rhymes and songs.

Time to Come In Bear is a story that explains to children the need for social distancing. It is a short story but full of important information that little ones can understand. To access this story use the link:


More than ever washing our hands properly is so important. The link below is to a “Wash your Dirty Hands” song from Sticky Kids which is an action song that goes through the different parts of the body promoting language development and gross and fine motor skills. You could also sing this song while your child is washing their hands to ensure they are spending long enough at this activity, a minimum of 20 seconds is recommended. The link to this is:


Creative activity

With Easter coming up soon you could begin to make salt dough Easter eggs tha you could use as small gifts to family members, to decorate your house or hand in the garden for passerby to admire.


Salt Dough Recipe

1 cup of plain flour

1/2 cup of salt

2 teaspoons of cooking oil


Put flour, salt and oil into a bowl mixing together. Slowly add the water to make the dough. You want your dough to be firm if you add too much water and it is sticky add more flour. Kneed the dough for 2 minutes before using it to make your egg shapes. If you do not have a cookie cutter use a glass to make a circle and then reshape using your hands into an oval. Cook the salt dough on a low heat until the dough is completely dried out. Once cooked paint and decorate your eggs.


This is the link to different number songs that you could have playing in the background as your child is busy. It will develop their understanding of forward and backward number sequening. The link is:


Stay safe and well.

Tuesday 31 March


Good morning all.

Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:


Below is a link to a Happy Feet activity session that focuses on movement of the body developing gross motor skills. I am sure that the children will enjoy taking part copying the children on the screen.



Stories, Rhymes and songs.

This link to Fischy Music takes you to a page where you can access different songs by clicking on the emoji’s. Some of the songs are familiar old ones along with songs that have been written with children. I hope your children enjoy these.


Going on a Bear Hunt is a book all the children love in the nursery. The link below is the author Michael Rosen telling the story to the children.


As a follow on to this activity why not put a bear in the window for children to spot as they walk past. This activity is promoted through Facebook where you can join the group We’re Going on a Bear Hunt West Lothian. If you do not use face book you could place a teddy bear in your window or get the children to draw a bear colouring it in using rainbow colours and place this in your window.


General Interest

Why not get the children involved in everyday activities around the house. In the nursery we focus on teaching the children life skills while managing risk. This is evident when the children having snack where they are involved in the preparation and making of snack. In nursery we use plates and cutlery that you will find in your kitchen so the children are used to seeing and using simple kitchen equipment. To encourage this at home why not have your child help to make their lunch today –

  • Give your child a knife and let them spread their own bread and cut their fruit.
  • They can count out how many grapes etc on their plate, remember to cut grapes length wise to reduce choking risk.
  • You could make funny faces with finger foods on their plate together.
  • Use foods that you have and where appropriate, give your child a responsibility.
  • You could have your child help you to do the dishes after too.

Easter Competition

Locations | West Lothian Foodbank

The Easter competition is on! I have lots of Easter eggs to give away!
E mail your picture to: sharonalexander1@hotmail.co.uk
I will print and put in the shop window. We are looking forward to some happy pictures. I will also post some pictures on the Facebook page too as everyone needs some cheering up. To see the original post on Facebook use this link:



Have a happy Tuesday everyone, more activities will be posted again tomorrow morning.

Stay safe and well.

Monday 30 March

Good morning everyone. I hope Monday find you all fit and well.

Today we are going to have lots of stories, rhymes and activities relating to frogs.

Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:


Another Cosmic Kids yoga that your child may enjoy is Frank the Frog: the link to this is:


Stories, Rhymes and songs.

A Tale of 2 Frogs is a story about two  sister frogs and how one of the sisters persevered and never gave up saving them both. The link for this story is:


Five little speckled frogs in a song that we sing in the nursery. I am sure your child will enjoy singing it at home with you.


General Interest

Pippin the dog meets some frogs in her garden from CBeebies.

Auntie Mabel finds some frogspawn in a pond and tells a story about the life cycle of a frog. Then she and Pippin visit Chester Zoo, where they meet an African bullfrog and a White’s tree frogs. ©BBC Entertainment. I take no credit in this. Watch this video using this link:


There is a workbook from Urban Nature relating to frogs that may have some items of interest for your child. When you upload the link click on the blue ‘follow link’ tab and it is the download on the left of the page.


Life of a Frog is a short video that explains the life cycle of a frog in simple terms that younger children will understand.


There will be more activities, not frog related, posted again tomorrow.

Stay safe and well.

Thursday 26 March

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Today will be the last update on the Blog until Monday morning.

Free School Meals

There has been new schools added to the list of where free school meals can be accessed. Please use the link below to access the new information regarding free school meals.


Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:


Another Cosmic Kids Yoga session that the children enjoy in the nursery is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and is available through the link bellow:


Stories, Rhymes and songs.

Jigsaw Stories and Activities

Fowley’s Wings:  This story explores dreams and goals, roles in families, people’s strengths and feelings, how brothers and sisters get on together etc.

The story is broken into two parts and there is an opportunity for you to discuss the story between the sections and activities that your child can do after they have heard the full story.



Sorting and matching game –

  • Use anything in the house that you have a lot of, that are different colours i.e. coloured pegs, buttons, lego, pens, socks
  • Give your child a few plates, bowls or boxes and have them sort and match the objects into the correct groups.

General Interest

Below is the link to the webcams that are placed in some of the animal enclosures at Edinburgh Zoo. You can watch the penguins, pandas, tigers, rockhopper penguins and koalas. These are live streams which I am sure your child will enjoy watching.


Keep safe and well and there will be more learning opportunities and activities posted Monday morning.


Wednesday 25 March

Good morning everyone!!!

Free School Meals

There has been new schools added to the list of where free school meals can be accessed. Please use the link below to access the new information regarding free school meals.


Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:

The children enjoy taking part in yoga sessions in the nursery. They watch and follow the instructions onscreen. The session is in the form of a story so developing their listening skills and gross motor skills at the same time.



Activity ideas for your children

With the weather being nice and dry at the moment  why not take to opportunity to have some fresh air in your own garden (if you have one). In nursery the children enjoy painting on the pavements using water and paintbrushes (or old clothes if you don’t have paintbrushes). They can paint pictures, write their names, write numbers etc. If you have food colouring you could add it to the water to enhance the experience. Why not give it a go! If you able to you could upload pictures of their busy work onto your child’s online Learning Journey, it would be great to see creations.

Stories, Rhymes and songs.

“The 3 Little Pigs” is a traditional tale that children enjoy . The audio story can be accessed through the following link:



Below is the link to help develop children’s awareness forward number sequencing and counting using 1-1 correspondence within 20



Keep safe and well!!!!!


Tuesday 24 March

Good morning everyone!!!!

Keeping Active

Remember you can  access a 30 minute fitness session daily at 9AM on Youtube by the Body Coach. This is the link to access this:

Activity ideas for your children

Activities for children can also be found on the ‘Five Minute Mum’ website. To access this use the address:  www.fiveminutemum.com You require an email address to subscribe to the free site.

Stories, Rhymes and songs.

“Giraffes Can’t Dance” is a popular rhyming children’s story. The audio story can be accessed through the following link:


Three Craws is a popular nursery song which encourages backward number sequencing. The link for this is:

“I can clap my hands” is an action song by the Sticky Kids. Children can listen and and follow the instructions in the lyrics. This can be accessed using the link bellow:


Keep safe and well!!!!!




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