Keeping ourselves safe

We have been doing lots of work around our nursey values, Nurtured, Safe and Respected, in nursery and the children are able to demonstrate a good understanding of what each of our values mean to them. While exploring resources that will continue to support the children’s understanding of these I have come across the NSPCC website and in particular the section on personal safety “Lets Talk About Pants”. This is a really good resource with a  book that can be purchased, a song for the children to learn and a game that you can download for free. There is also a section for parents/carers where there are useful ideas on how to approach this subject with younger children. I  have printed out some of the parent guidance if you would like a copy please collet it from the nursery (between the two doors where we review your child’s care plans) when you are collecting or dropping off your child.

The link to this website is

Please do not hesitate in asking any of the nursey staff if there are any other topics you would like information on.

Hopping into Easter 28/3/22

Happy Friday everyone and the Easter holidays are here!!!!!

Hope you had a great week but what has the weather been all about? Sunshine Monday then absolutely horrible the rest another big sad face :-((((((

Anyway we have been super busy doing some Easter activities – getting into that Easter bunny spirit. We also got to celebrate a staff members special birthday, so come see our fun this week and mysterious birthday celebration!!

Step into Easter

How quick has this year been already, we are right into decorating eggs!! We have been so busy with Easter activities this week, as you can see our little Easter bunnies have been decorating their own egg to take home – on top of the chocolate egg they also get to take home….lucky ducks haha!! We put out glue, glitter and all different resources but by the looks of it you can’t go wrong with a old fashioned pen decoration haha! Some of the faces these eggs have been brilliant and also funny, it’s been interesting watch create their own decorations.

Who’s birthday is it???


It was Miss Stewart’s birthday this week and staff and children baked her a wonderful and very delicious cake. We all got the chance to wish Miss Stewart a happy birthday and give out lots of cuddles from our monkeys! From the staff and children you don’t look a day over 21 and we hope you have a lovely weekend!!!


Well that is another week done and dusted and I think some of us are ready for the Easter break! We all hope you have a lovely weekend and an amazing Easter! and don’t eat all the chocolate at once haha!!

See you all next week!

Stay safe!




Howdy Sunshine w/b 21/3/22

Happy hot hot hot Friday everyone!!

Hope you have all had an amazing week being busy and creative in this sunshine and was it hot enough to get the sun cream oot haha!

We have spent the majority of our week outside – showing our well rounded gross motor skills on the trim track, playing games out on the field and even having snack outside. This week has been full of smiles and sunshine and we can’t wait to show you the entertainment!

Come see the funnnnn!

The Deans Daredevils

We have been such daredevils this week out on the trim track and you can tell we all had a blast. We put our balance to the test on the wall (with supervision haha) and see if we can get all the way to end and even jump and see if we can land without falling. It looks like I have been roped into being Mr Catcher haha but what fun we had – but this bunch were absolutely amazing and so confident and motivated tackling these wee obstacles. We hope the weather continues (fingers crossing big time) and we can continue to be outside and enjoy our outdoor learning.

Spring sprinting

We have been taking advantage of this weather and the big field right next to nursery to continue our fitness. We have been using our warm-up, main activity and cool down routine to help us get into that Olympic summer shape haha – this week we have been focusing on the cool down and trust me running in that weather you will need a cool down haha but our guys have been learning the benefits of a cool down and how it calms us back down when returning to nursery. Our bunch are fast fast fast so we need to definitely up our game now haha keep and eye on them a blink and they are off!!

Snacky in the sunny

What a way to top of an amazing week with snack in the Friday morning sunshine! We had some fruit, some yoghurt and some cold water to keep us all hydrated (trying to taking a professional photo in the first one haha). The children spoke about having picnics outside and what they would enjoy at a picnic, which gave us ideas for when summer arrives.

The weekend is here and it is to be warm and beautiful – we all hope you enjoy it while it lasts as its to snow next week BIG SAD FACE :-(((((!!!!

We will see you next week for another amazing week!

Stay safe!






Measuring me Measuring you it’s the best I can do w/b 14/3/22

Happy Friday everyone the sun is shinning and it’s exactly what we have been needing!!

Hope you have had a great week, we have been busy ourselves focusing on measuring and we have even been back in the construction area building – no surprise there with this lot haha!

Drop in and check out what has been happening in Deans Nursery!

Building again?

Well we are back in the construction area…shock haha! These guy have been putting their creative minds to work and construction a ‘double decker’ bus – I hope its a holiday bus to take us away haha. Some of the children designed it so it could try and fit everyone in but I think it was secretly just for them and not staff…This could lead onto a sparked interest in transport but as always will let the children led the way. We all knew that this talented bunch would come up with something new.

Measuring me Measuring you

We have been learning about measuring this week which has been very interesting in Deans Nursery. At group time we have been measuring our heights, we have also been estimating our heights before we used our massive measuring tape to see if we can guess who was the tallest and the smallest. We have also been finding things around the nursery that we can use to measure i.e a ruler and a measuring tube for the water tray. We also have a height chart to help us keep tabs on our ever growing monkeys!!

Well another week is finished and its look like this weekend is set up to be amazing with the sun shinning!!!

See you all next week!!

Stay safe!





The Bug Finders w/b 7/03/22

Hey hey everyone hope you have had a great week and its been a busy one!

We have been busy this week outside and discovering some insects in the dirt can you guess what it is? We also have been wizards completing jigsaws.

We have also been using our hall time to focus on exercising through games and discover our heart rate changing. We have very interested in how our heart rate can change through exercise and how its high when exercising and reduces when having a cool down.

Come see this weeks show in Deans Nursery!

Will the jigsaw ever end?

We have been interested in animals lately and I think completing a safari themed jigsaw was appropriate don’t you? The children were wizards at these jigsaws and we know they would be because they are such a talented wee bunch which we have seen in previous blogs – I think we are a bit jealous of how good they are haha! Jigsaws are great for improving cognition, visual-spatial reasoning and short term memory very crucial in pre school. Get out and get some jigsaws and see how fast you can complete it at home – the race is on!!!

The new David Attenborough’s 

Our little explorers have found a little worm in the dirt – the eye sight this lot have is incredible, if you lose anything we all know who to ask now haha! This sparked a mini interest in insects and we spoke about other insects we might find in the grass/dirt and crucially how to look after them when we do find/see them. As you well know we have had the children rack up professions in other areas from builders to hairdressers/barbers – I think a new David Attenborough could be next on that never ending list! What an amazing gang we have!!

Jelly beans

We have been using our gym time to exercise through games with Mr McNab & Miss Swanson and we didn’t realise how fast the children were haha! We have been starting with a warm game called ‘beans’ which involves the children following commands and being different beans i.e running bean, jumping bean and French bean (must ask the children for that one, it’s a great laugh haha). Once our session is finished we have a cool down and this involves laying on the floor and counting to 0-20 very slow (to lower our heart rate). After every activity we check our heart rate to see how fast its going and after our cool down to see if it has lowered. Very interesting to hear the children’s voice their opinion on exercising. Keep an eye out for more blogs on our exercising journey.

We will be all in Olympic shape…haha!


In the nursery while observing children in play we have become aware that the children have been acting out characters from media they are accessing at home.  Some of the characters and play scenarios are from media that is not age appropriate for our children e.g., Poppy Playtime is age 9+.

In the nursery we actively discourage the children from participating in these play activities as they are not conducive to our nursery values Safe, Nurtured plus Respected and other children are becoming distressed by this.

We would appreciate your support on this.  Thank you.

Well another week has ended and the weekend is finally here!

Hope you have a great weekend and we shall see you next week for a wicked and crazy show in Deans Nursery

Stay Safe



1 2 Pancake Crew w/b 28/02/22

Hey everyone hope you’ve had a fantastic week and we are back for another weekly blog!

We have another busy week especially because we had pancake day which is just an excuse to go crazy with it am I right????

We also have been having some outdoor fun with the parachute – which made things so much easier because the storm has done a runner. Also we have been investigating and playing with stacking dolls trying to see if we can get fit all the sizes in properly and we even had a yoga session which was amazing!!!

Come and see this weeks entertainment.

The pancake madness

Well we absolutely had a blast having pancakes this week and you can imagine all the different combos the children liked – personally I like mines with ice cream but shush haha! As the children are self serving now, it is giving them that independent opportunity to decide what to choose from what is on offer. Our children are enjoying trying different foods at snack time especially fruit which is great!!

That parachute ain’t blowing away

We have been using the field directly across from nursery to play games and to run laps because the children absolutely love to be running everywhere right now!! We have introduced some parachute games that have included a sing song and the children have really shown high levels of engagement. You can only imagine if we had introduced this during the storm we would all be up up and away haha!

The big doll little doll

Miss Swanson has introduced stacking dolls into nursery to challenge the children – for anyone who might no know what these are they do have different names but are they a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. The children have been so engaged in these dolls and found in fascinating trying to match all the sizes together and fit them all in. This is activity is going to be a long lasting one so stay tune for the updates…

Lets all do the yoga


We enjoyed some yoga this week thanks to Lotus Learn Yoga who gave us a funtastic jungle safari themed yoga which was super exciting! All the children joined and engaged and from what you can see they were making those poses look effortless. Hopefully this is something we are going to introduce as weekly activity because yoga is very beneficial especially in pre school.

Well that’s another week done and dusted happy Friday!!!

We hope you have a lovely weekend whatever your doing and we will see you all next week!

Stay safe




Vision, Values and Aims

We have been doing lots of work around our Vision, Values and Aims recently in the nursery. The children have had a real focus on the nursery values: Safe, Nurtured and Respected over the last few weeks with the children working really hard to ensure that they were recognising these values. We have given out lots of stickers in recognition of when the children were able to demonstrate behaviours that supported the nursery values. At the end of the sessions the children enjoyed the opportunity to share with their peers why they had received their sticker and everyone enjoyed dancing to ‘celebrate’ their achievements.

We would like to take this opportunity to refresh the nursery Vision, Values and Aims with the parents. Please click on the link below to watch a sort presentation. I am sure that you will enjoy seeing some of the children performing the nursery values song at the end of the presentation.

Numeracy in Nursery

This is a short video that explains clearly what we are observing in the nursery when we are talking about numeracy including forward/backward number sequences, numerals and subitising. It explains how we can support our children, through play, to become more number aware and begin to develop the skills they will need as they transition through nursery and into school to become confident with their number skills.


The Wee Snow Angels w/b 21/02/22

Hey everyone!!

Hope you had a great week – it was mental with that weather wasn’t it?

Well in Deans Nursery we have been embracing that windy snowy weather and been having lots of fun. We have been out in the snow making some snow angels and we even brought the snow inside shhhh don’t tell anyone!

Come drop in and see the full show from this weeks entertainment!

The wee snow angels

The second the snow fell we were straight outside enjoying it even though the wind could blow us away at any given moment. We created some snow angels and even had a snowball fight – looked like it was the children against the teachers and we all know who would have won that. As you can imagine, the children didn’t last very long outside because of those icy cold temperatures but it kick started a very interesting topic about arctic animals…stay tuned for that!

The snow creeping in

Well well well the snow has found its way in nursery and into the water tray…I wonder how that got there?. The children were exploring the snow with the arctic animals and we begun to expand and find out what animals the children knew that lived in snowy weather. We even attempted to see how long we could keep our hands in the snow for – it wasn’t very long haha….

The wee successful learner 

“I was showing my mummy my letter A for Alfie”

Alfie has been mark making at home and marked the later A from his name at home in his garden. He was using some chalk and by the looks of it, it was a sunny day as well. Some great learning in the sunshine – if there is any other successful learning going on at home we love to hear about it!!

Another week done guys, its been a snowy wild one but we made it!

Have a great weekend everyone and we will see you next week!

Stay safe!



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