All of our nursery children had a vote for their favourite dolls house. There was three to choose from. It was very close but house number 1 was the winner. The winning dolls house comes from Asda and we are collecting it on Saturday 3rd October.
Category: Uncategorized
Parents/Carers of Pre-School Children – Where to go?
Parents/Carers of Pre-School Children
The parent consultations for pre-school children will take place in our school hall. Parents/carers will enter the school through the main entrance (not the nursery entrance) and the hall is straight in front of you. We will lay out some construction toys for children to play with during the consultation period (if you choose to bring your child) but remember your child remains your responsibility throughout. Please note that the parents who choose a morning appointment can also come in the main entrance and be guided to the nursery base for their consultation. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Pre-School Children Consultations
Pre-School Children Consultations
Please note the formal parental consultations are for pre-school children only. The evening times are from 5.00 to 6.30 on the 14th of October. There are morning times available too, during the week beginning 12.10.15. The time sheets will be available to complete from Monday 5th October (in entrance corridor). Please select a time that suits you. If you have a problem with appointment times please speak to your child’s key worker and we will try to accommodate you as much as possible.
Children with another year at nursery have a less formal opportunity to speak to their child’s key worker during our open day on Thursday 15th October. All parents are warmly invited to join us from 10.30 onwards (a.m. parents) and 2.30 onwards (p.m. parents).
Just to say last day for handing in photograph orders will be Friday 2nd October.
AM Autumn Walk
Today, we went on an Autumn walk in our local area. We looked at the different coloured leaves and discussed why the leaves are starting to change colour. We collected some of the leaves we looked at to use in our craft area. We are going to make pictures with our leaves and make an Autumn Wall Display. If you are walking to nursery and you spot any Autumn leaves, could you bring them into nursery to use in our craft area. Thank you!
Autumn Walk
Today, we went on an Autumn walk around our nursery. We found lots of different coloured leaves and now we are going to make leaf pictures. When you are out and about if you see any Autumn leaves please bring them into nursery for our craft area. Thank you!
Our Learning Ideas 28.9.15
We have attached the learning overview for the week beginning 28.9.15. This gives you some insight in to what is happening this week in the nursery and allows you to discuss these activities with your child. Remember all the ideas are recorded in our floorbooks and come from the children themselves.outline of children’s learning ideas 28.9.15
Our Weekly Walks
Here are some photos of our most recent walk. It was a number walk and we spotted lots of numbers in the local environment. Unfortunately we have had to suspend our walks until term two while we do a volunteer recruitment to allow these walks to go ahead. You need to be disclosed for the walks but the disclosures are paid for and your time can be ‘ring fenced’ only for the occasional walk so it doesn’t have to be a huge commitment. Please let us know if you would like to take part in this fun event.
Our New Bikes
We have purchased three new bikes to add to our collection. Thank you for the increased snack money which enables us to get these additional resources for our nursery.
Our Learning Ideas
As this is a short week we are continuing the learning ideas from the previous week. However, the topic of Autumn will also be introduced.