Lets Go Fly a Kite!

The children have had great fun making kites out of bin bags and wool. They have been exploring how the force of the wind can make their kites fly higher. The children discovered that if they ran with their kite initially it helped them to begin to fly it and as it filled up with more air it flew higher. With the wind being so strong if the children did not hold on tight to the wool their kite blew away and several had to be retrieved from the nursery garden and the metal fence.

Week beginning 10 June 2021


This months Peep focus was exploring movement. Lucas and Lacey have enjoyed playing with the bubbles in their Peep packs. Out in their garden they have been exploring how the bubbles float on the air and have had great fun running after them trying to catch then before they pop. Looks like they have had a lot of fun and exercise!!!!

Nursery Garden

Mrs Galbraith has been busy with the children in the garden doing lots digging and planting. The children have  been choosing what fruit and vegetables they would like to grow choosing pumpkins, onions and butternut squash to plant directly into the garden. In some of our tubs we have also planted sweet peas and are continuing to look after the potatoes that we planted in April, the plants are getting really tall and bushy now so hopefully wont be long before we can begin to harvest them. The berry fruit trees are also beginning to grow and we have had to build a frame using bamboo canes to support them, Our strawberries and tomato plants are beginning to flower hopefully we will begin to see strawberries and tomatoes starting to grow soon. We have also been planting different flowers in the garden, in tubs and on the fence, so hopefully our garden will be full of colour if the weather continues to be nice!


Our current topic of interest in the nursery is minibeasts. Emily-Ann brought some snails into the nursery that she found in her garden 2 weeks ago. The children and Mrs Whatcott used a large plastic tub to create a habitat for them. Using the iPads they found out how to look after the snails to make sure that they stayed well and healthy. You can see that the children have enjoyed this experience and we eager to be involved in looking after them. We released the snails back into the wild on Tuesday finding a natural habitat where they would thrive and when we went to look today all the snails have moved on so obviously are happy to be back in nature.


We have been doing lots of counting using 1-1 correspondence and matching quantity to numerals in the nursery this week. The children counted to number of dots in the dot pattern on the card and matched the quantity to the numeral having a choice of 3 numerals. We are getting really good at recognising numbers and relating these to quantity.

Outdoor Learning

Today we went a walk to the ‘Whispering  Woods’ behind Meldrum Primary school. We had lots of fun exploring this new area. We found lots of trees that had been cut down and enjoyed climbing on these, moving our bodies along the trunks in different ways. We jumped off the trunks making sure we landed where the ground was flat and safe for us to do so. We went exploring the stream and enjoyed paddling in the shallow water and following the stream under the bridge. We built a trench using branches and enjoyed sitting inside it, maybe next time we can have a story sitting here. We were hugging some trees and using describing words to express how they felt. Some of our descriptions of the trees were, “they are like chicken nuggets”, “tickly”, “Like rock and liquid”, “furry” and “like a smoothie”.

This Week…

The children have been showing an interest in Pirates and under the sea in the nursery and in the garden. They have been playing ‘Shark Attack’ at the obstacle course using the equipment as a safe place from the sharks, climbing and balancing on the various pieces of equipment. The sharks can attack if you are in the sea, the grass. They extended this by introducing jellyfish and mermaids.
In the nursery the children have helped develop the tough tray into the sea and have been making treasure chests. There has been discussions about the different creatures we will find in the sea with the children providing lots of information. The treasure map was also discussed and the children were talking about finding the treasure at “X marks the spot”.


Can we ask that if you are sending grapes in your child’s lunch box, that you please ensure they are cut at least once lenthways. This is to prevent choking! (Grapes are the perfect size to get stuck in small airways.)

We are very lucky and have not had any choking incidents and we would love for it to remain that way! Thank you in advance!



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