New Look!

We look forward to welcoming everyone when our  pupils return to nursery on Tuesday, 21 August.

There have been big changes to our nursery with new flooring, painted walls and a new kitchen. It looks gorgeous but a little empty just now so please bear with us while we set up the various areas using as much of the children’s ideas as we can.


Thank You

We are looking forward to our nursery graduation show on Thursday. The tickets are free for this but we will have a donation basket and any contributions will go towards new resources for the nursery. Thank you in advance.

Also a big thank you to all the people who have donated extra money towards snack this year. We are busy calculating how much extra has been given towards resources. As usual we will let you know what we buy with the money and we will make sure it is spent wisely. Usually the children suggest items they would like and we vote to decide. Watch this space!

Our Nursery Trip – Thank you

One more mention about our nursery trip. The Parent Council of Deans P.S. very kindly donated money towards our trip. Often there is a difference between the projected cost and the actual cost as people change their mind and are no longer able to go. The Parent Council offered to fund that shortfall this year and we are very grateful.

Nursery Sports Day 20.6.18

Just a wee reminder that we are holding our Sports Day on Wednesday 20th June. The times are 10.00 for a.m. session and 2.00 for p.m. session.

We hold our Sports Day in the school gym hall and everyone is welcome. We always remind the children that it is taking part that counts and everyone is a winner. It’s a lot of fun!

At the end there will be a wee award ceremony for all the children and it is a good opportunity to take a photo of your child if you want. WLC policy , as you know, doesn’t allow photographs to be taken during events.

Plan of the Day – Nursery Trip

Not long now until our trip to the Five Sisters Zoo on Wednesday 13th June.

Our plan for the day is this:

9.00 Meet in the hall to check in to your bus, give us mobile phone numbers etc. and collect your ticket for the Handling Session. There are two different times for this.

9.20 Go to correct bus (they will be labelled Bus 1/ Bus 2). If you have a baby remember to use your baby seat. The seat will be stored in a car on site until return time.

9.30 We set off!

10.00 We arrive and meet up with those taking their own transport. We will be counted in and nursery will make payment.

10.00 to 11.00 explore with your child

11.00 first handling session (we will provide a ticket with your timeslot on the day).

11.30 second handling session (we will provide a ticket with your timeslot on the day).

Lunch is from 12.45 to 1.15 in the marquee area located in the play park. It is great fun when we all get together for this.

1.15 to 2.15 explore with your child

2.15 Return to bus. Complete feedback sheets so we learn from our experience.

Nursery Jacket and Bag Wash


On the week beginning the 18th of June, we will start the ‘big wash’. This means nursery children will wear their own jackets outside and we will wash the nursery jackets. The bags on the pegs will also get washed so maybe fresh clothes, gym shoes etc. could be put in a labelled poly bag until the end of term.

We want to give you advance warning of this so old jackets are worn for the last two weeks because mess is fairly inevitable!

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