Big Bedtime Read every Tuesday

Just a wee reminder that our Big Bedtime Read has started again and every Tuesday you should return and pick up your child’s bag of books. We put coloured tubs corresponding to your child’s group in the entrance corridor so it is easy to return and collect the new bag. Try to remember each Tuesday as our volunteer parents work hard to ensure everything is organised for you.

Fresh Clothes

We desperately need more socks and underwear. If your child has outgrown some items and they are still in good condition, we would love to have them.

Also remember to fill your child’s nursery bag with a change of clothes. This makes it much easier for the nursery team.

If  the bag is empty and your child is given nursery clothes, please remember to return them so we can use them for someone else.


Nursery Photographs

Nursery Photographs

On Tuesday 27th November the Tempest photographer will take an individual photograph of your child. You will then get a chance to see the proof and decide if you would like to buy it. There is no obligation to buy but it might be a super Christmas present!

Please note the photographer is also in on another date for school children but this does not affect us. If you do not want your child’s photograph taken please let us know.

Nursery Sponsored Walk


We had a wee look at the weather forecast for next week and unfortunately some rain is forecast for most days. We have decided to go ahead with our walk on Tuesday 6th November and hope for the best. If you want to walk with your child please return to nursery at 10.00/2.00 as the walk will begin around then. Please note that you are not obliged to do this and can just return for your child at the normal time. Remember also your child’s superhero costume and to try to get as many sponsors as you can. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Sponsored Walk

Our sponsored walk is taking place during the week beginning the 5th November. We are giving ourselves a choice of dates in case the weather holds us back but we will let you know days in advance. On that day your child can come dressed as a superhero. It is appropriate because they are indeed superheroes in their efforts to raise money for their nursery. We will need volunteers to support our children on the day so if you are disclosed and have any free time, please let us know.

Halloween Activities

Just to give you a heads up, on Wednesday 31st October the children can dress up to come to nursery (if they want).  We are planning lots of Halloween activities and games.  Please avoid the wearing of masks (some children find this unsettling) and please name all the accessories as it is always hard to return them to the correct owners at the end of the session.

Stay and Play Sessions

We have planned our Stay & Play sessions for the year so we can give you plenty of advance notice. The dates for your diary are ……….

October – Wednesday 3/10/18

November – Tuesday 20/11/18

January – Thursday 17/1/19

February – Tuesday 26/2/19

March – Thursday 28/3/19

April – Tuesday (Smiley Day*) 30/4/19

May – Thursday 30/5/19

*SMILEY DAY (significant male in life, early years) e.g. dads, uncles, cousins, friend of family, grandads etc.

Please note we now invite everyone towards the end of a session any time after 10.15 to 11.00 and 2.15 to 3.00.

Cloakroom Organisation

As you will be aware we have a very busy and ‘compact’ cloakroom area and we are always grateful for your patience and understanding.

Recently there has been a tendency for parents/carers to bring an extra bag for their child’s possessions, we understand the reasons for this. However, if the bag is hung on the peg there is less room for coats and it is difficult for gym shoes to be put back in the nursery bags at the end of the session. We like this practice as it means gym shoes are less likely to be mislaid.

Could we ask that bags are placed on the shelf beneath the pegs and out of everyone’s way. This would free up space and still keep everything handy. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Pigeon Holes

Just a wee reminder that each child has a pigeon hole (it’s where  the name tag is found used to collect our children). The children also  put their ‘works of art’ in their pigeon hole and we often put in notes or leaflets. We have noticed recently that the pigeon holes are overflowing. Please empty your child’s pigeon hole regularly. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on important information or a little masterpiece!

Wow Wall

Our Wow Wall which celebrates the achievements of our children is looking a little bare. Please take a moment to fill in one of our achievement slips and help us celebrate your child’s latest triumph. It can be anything at all e.g. sleeping in a ‘big’ bed or swimming using armbands. The important part is the acknowledgement of their success and we would like to share that with you.

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