Vision, Values and Aims

We have been doing lots of work around our Vision, Values and Aims recently in the nursery. The children have had a real focus on the nursery values: Safe, Nurtured and Respected over the last few weeks with the children working really hard to ensure that they were recognising these values. We have given out lots of stickers in recognition of when the children were able to demonstrate behaviours that supported the nursery values. At the end of the sessions the children enjoyed the opportunity to share with their peers why they had received their sticker and everyone enjoyed dancing to ‘celebrate’ their achievements.

We would like to take this opportunity to refresh the nursery Vision, Values and Aims with the parents. Please click on the link below to watch a sort presentation. I am sure that you will enjoy seeing some of the children performing the nursery values song at the end of the presentation.

Teddy Bears Picnic Stock Photos - Download 131 Royalty Free Photos Teddy Bear Picnic

Wednesday 24th July

This time of year is usually a very fun and exciting time in nursery and we are aware that the children are missing out this year!

So we wanted to try and bring a little fun to your homes in a way that we all feel connected! We would love if everyone could join in on Wednesday for our Deans Nursery Teddy Bear Picnic from home! 

Eagle Radio - Whats on in Surrey and Hampshire: Teddy Bear's ... Girl having a tea party with teddy bears Stock Photo: 278493727 ...

Check back here at the start of the week for some ideas of fun snacks and activities to make the day a little extra special!

Some information about the setting

We were glad to welcome Ms Dillett to the Nursery team this week. She has spent this week getting to know the children, and staff, in the nursery and looks forward to working with the children in her group from next week.

We have had several new children visit the setting prior to starting from next week. I am sure all the children and staff will make them feel welcome.

We hope to restart our Community Learning next week, weather dependent. The children will take part in these sessions on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing on for these sessions. If you are able to help during the sessions please let a member of staff know, the more the merrier!!!!

One of our afternoon children was changed in nursery on Tuesday. However, his clothes were not on his peg at the end of the session. If you have taken these by mistake can you please return them to the nursery. In the bag was black cotton joggers and a green top with a pocket.

Again can I ask that all children have a change of clothes, including socks, in their bag at all times. We currently have no socks in nursery and limited tops, trousers and underwear.

This weeks question of the week is on the board, if you have not already answered the question could you please ask a member of staff for a gem to put in the tub. Your feedback is appreciated!!!

Have you seen this bear, his name is Deano.


Deano the Nursery bear has gone home with a child a few weeks ago and unfortunately he has not returned. We appreciate that this might be an oversight and/or that your child may be reluctant to let him come back. However, he is an important part of our nursery and all the children are missing him. If you have Deano at home, or in the car, could you please return him as soon as possible.

Important information

Parents session for the nursery will be Friday 3 April from 8.30-11.00AM. If you would like an appointment with your child’s key worker there are appointment sheets up in the cloak room. Please select the appointment time you would like. These will be removed on Friday 27 April and no appointments will be issued after this date, this is to provide staff with time to compile information on your child progression for the consultation.

Also, we have very limited clothing in the nursery for changing children. Can you please ensure that your child has a change of clothes in their red/blue bag that is on their peg. We rely on parents washing and returning any nursery clothes that have been given to children. If you have any nursery clothes at home please return them asap to the nursery. Donations of clothes, particularly age 4/5, are greatly appreciated. We rely on donations of clothes to be able to provide  a change of clothes to children who do not have a change with them. If your child is changed in the nursery their dirty clothing will be placed in a bag on their peg for you to take home and wash.


We are looking for junk.

We are looking for junk to do junk modelling with. If you could please bring in any cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, egg cartons and any other items that we could use we would appreciate it. Please ensure that all items are free from food debris.

Look our for our junk dinosaurs that we will be building in our groups next week, we will display them in the nursery.

Stay and Play

Just a little reminder that this week is Stay and Play in the nursery. Parents and carers are invited to stay with their child for about 45 minutes. During this time you will have the opportunity to explore the nursery and join in a variety of different play opportunities with your child.

Also, during this time there will be a laptop set up in the nursery where you will be able to access your child’s Learning Journal if you are having problems in doing this at home. A member of staff will also be able to help you with any problems during these sessions.

If you would like to attend a session with your child but this week does not suit please speak to a member of staff to arrange an alternative day/time.

Scottish week

This week the topic in the nursery will be Robert Burns and all things Scottish which will finish on Thursday with a Burns Supper. At the Burns Supper the children will be eating Haggis (vegetarian), tatties and neeps followed by shortbread and a little drink of sugar free Irn Bru. If you would prefer your child not to have the drink please inform a member of staff when dropping your child off at nursery (milk and water will also be available as normal).

The children will also be bringing home 2 simple Scottish poems to learn. We would appreciate if you would go over these with your child at home so we can recite them at the Burns Supper of Thursday.

Last week in nursery we were focusing on the nursery routines and Golden Rules. All the children were encouraged to self serve their snack developing their fine motor skills as the used the different utensils to do so. They were also exploring volume as the served their soup and poured their drink. They are all becoming more independent at doing this.

Welcome back after Christmas!!!

Christmas seems such a long time ago!!! Hopefully everyone had a lovely time over the festive period.

As you are aware we are no longer collecting snack money in the nursery. As part of their snack money some parents had paid a small donation to the toy fund. We are keen to keep the toy fund going as it enables us to purchase new resources for the nursery. If you would like to make a small donation to this fund there will be a tub available in the nursery foyer to allow you to do so.

We have issued a questionnaire to all families for feedback on the nursery. Your views are important to us so please fill it in and hand it back. If you have misplaced it please ask for another copy. Returning the questionnaire will enter you into a prize draw with a chance to win a voucher.

All families are being asked to answer the “question of the week” by putting a gem in the appropriate tub. This weeks question is “Do you access your child’s Online Learning Journal?” Please help us by taking part and answering honestly.

PeeP is back!!!!! 

PeeP sessions will be running on a Tuesday morning at 9.10am and afternoon at 2.00pm. There has been a fantastic response to the launch of PeeP and Mrs Wilson and Mrs Lindie are looking forward to welcoming you all along to these sessions.

The sessions will run for 4 weeks initially the dates of the sessions are:

21 January

28 January

4 February

11 February

If you would like more information about PeeP please speak to either of the ladies when you are in the nursery.

Robert Burns Celebrations

Next week the children in the nursery will be celebrating Robert Burns. Snack next week will be traditional Scottish food. On Thursday we will be having a Burns Supper instead of free flow snack. The children can wear something Scottish or tartan that day.

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