As always we would love to see your photos of your children taking part in the PEEP pack. Photos and comments can be sent to the school email address or uploaded to your child’s Learners Journey!
Author: Miss Anderson
Sharing our PEEP learning!
Cody took his list to the shops to collect the ingredients he needed to make his homemade pizza. He used the recipe from the Peep pack and followed the instructions to make it. He made a fantastic pepperoni and cheese pizza which looks so delicious! Hope you enjoyed it Cody, it looks great!
PEEP Pack – May
This month is all about things to do and talk about together. We have the usual, stories, songs and information resources. It is pizza making, recipe, shopping lists etc and planting herbs/vegetable seeds which could be used in the cooking.
Outdoor Learning
April PEEP- Home Learning Pack
Sharing PEEP home learning!
Cody and his mum made this beautiful book all about what he likes. The book is based on the song ‘These are a few of my favourite things’ from the Sound of Music. This is a fantastic story book. Well done Cody!
This Week…
Can we ask that if you are sending grapes in your child’s lunch box, that you please ensure they are cut at least once lenthways. This is to prevent choking! (Grapes are the perfect size to get stuck in small airways.)
We are very lucky and have not had any choking incidents and we would love for it to remain that way! Thank you in advance!
Sharing PEEP learning- March
Charlotte made her own book using the resources in the latest peep pack. March was all about books and celebrating World Book Day. Super job Charlotte!
Outdoor Learning
Last week some of us went out on a scavenger hunt, collecting twigs, stones, leaves and pine cones. We then used these to make our own twig skeleton.
Here are some of describing words-
Josh- “it tickles” (fir tree)
Madison- “it feels like a banana” (cone)
Alfie- “the cone is spikey”
Kyle & Cody- “hard” (stone)
Callum- “strong” (stone)