The Wee Snow Angels w/b 21/02/22

Hey everyone!!

Hope you had a great week – it was mental with that weather wasn’t it?

Well in Deans Nursery we have been embracing that windy snowy weather and been having lots of fun. We have been out in the snow making some snow angels and we even brought the snow inside shhhh don’t tell anyone!

Come drop in and see the full show from this weeks entertainment!

The wee snow angels

The second the snow fell we were straight outside enjoying it even though the wind could blow us away at any given moment. We created some snow angels and even had a snowball fight – looked like it was the children against the teachers and we all know who would have won that. As you can imagine, the children didn’t last very long outside because of those icy cold temperatures but it kick started a very interesting topic about arctic animals…stay tuned for that!

The snow creeping in

Well well well the snow has found its way in nursery and into the water tray…I wonder how that got there?. The children were exploring the snow with the arctic animals and we begun to expand and find out what animals the children knew that lived in snowy weather. We even attempted to see how long we could keep our hands in the snow for – it wasn’t very long haha….

The wee successful learner 

“I was showing my mummy my letter A for Alfie”

Alfie has been mark making at home and marked the later A from his name at home in his garden. He was using some chalk and by the looks of it, it was a sunny day as well. Some great learning in the sunshine – if there is any other successful learning going on at home we love to hear about it!!

Another week done guys, its been a snowy wild one but we made it!

Have a great weekend everyone and we will see you next week!

Stay safe!



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