Tag Archives: P3M

P3M – Some updates from this term

Hello everyone, what a busy term we have had so far! Here are some photos to show some of the exciting activities we have participated in across the curriculum including;

  • Designing and rolling eggs to investigate length in Maths,
  • learning and performing an African dance as part of our whole school focus on Malawi,
  • using the internet to research animals which live in Malawi and gathering information to present to our peers,
  • celebrating the positive choices we made in term three during our Good to be Green afternoon tea,
  • developing our orienteering skills during outdoor PE,
  • using natural materials to create our own ‘Stick Men’ characters which we have used adjectives to describe,

We still have lots of exciting activities to participate in before the end of term. Keep on checking our blog and twitter page for updates!


Miss Mack and P3M!

P3M Snowy Day Activities

Hello everyone in P3M! I hope you are having fun and staying safe in the snow! Below are some activities which you can choose to complete. It would be great to see some pictures of you taking part in these; post these on our school twitter page or bring them into school with you when you return. Remember to tag ‘P3M’ in your twitter post. 🙂


Stay safe everyone,

From Miss Mack


P3M Home learning – SNOW DAY

Maths Week in P3M

Happy Maths Week!

One of our favourite activities of the week was called ‘Framing Rectangles’.
On Wednesday we used squares in a challenge to make as many different sized rectangles as we could. Here are some photographs of our creations…

We have had lots of fun celebrating Maths week in P3M!


Our First Day in P3M!!

Today is our first day in Primary 3! We have a new teacher – Miss Mack and a new classroom! Here are some of the activities we have enjoyed today;

Sam – I enjoyed when we were practicing our cutting skills to make our Golden Time bees.

Lilly – I have enjoyed meeting Mrs Lafferty and telling her about us.

Calvin – I enjoyed making a rainbow and writing all about myself.

Ciara – I enjoyed making our rainbows too and writing about my dog.

Stewart – I liked when we worked in a group today and talked about what we wanted our teacher to be like this year.

Bella – I enjoyed making the rainbows and writing about my little sister Thea.

Lewis – I enjoyed making our rainbows and writing about my dog, Harvey.

Nikola – I enjoyed seeing my new classroom.

Lucas – I enjoyed finishing off my fish to explain what my wish is for this year.

Nathan – I liked colouring in my fish to make it bright and colourful.

Bailey – I liked making my rainbows and writing about my teacher.

Kalvin – I liked writing about what I would like to be like this year.

Elliot – I enjoyed making my rainbow picture.

Wiktoria – I enjoyed doing the rainbow picture.

Matthew – I enjoyed making my rainbow about me.


We are looking forward to lots of other activities this week! Our PE days will be on a Monday – Outdoor PE and on a Thursday afternoon – Indoor PE.

Thank you for visiting our blog,

Miss Mack and P3

Sports Day Fun!

This morning everyone in the Infants enjoyed a super sports day with potted sports such as bean bag toss and egg and spoon race followed by some races in our classes. Thank you very much to all of the Primary 7’s for helping to organise the children at the different events and for making sure that everyone had a great time!

Well done to all of the pupils who took part. Here are some photos for you to look at!

A fantastic ‘sporty’ morning everyone!