Primary 3/2 French – Les Animaux

The pupils in Primary 3/2 are welcoming Camembear into their class every week. Camembear has been helping them to learn the names of some animals in French. They shared their learning with Ms Benzeval by creating these fantastic representations of les animaux en francais.

P1 2022/2023 Transition Update – What do you need when you start school?

When your child starts school they will need items to support their learning and when participating in indoor and outdoor PE lessons. Below is a list of items your child will need for starting school.

All clothing and equipment should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please make sure that your child’s name is on all parts of their school uniform – even their shoes. It is easier for us to locate lost property if it is named.

  • A warm, waterproof jacket
  • A school bag
  • A pencil case
  • A small manageable snack for playtime
  • A water bottle
  • A packed lunch if they are not having school dinners.
  • On the days P1 have PE they should come in a t-shirt, jogging bottoms and trainers.  They should wear their school jumper or cardigan on top of their t-shirt and they can remove this during the activity.

As always if you have any questions about your child’s transition please contact the school by e-mail.

P6 Community Clean Up

Today all the P6 children helped tidy up the school grounds as part of a community clean up.

Making Animals

In the small group this morning we chose Knex and built animals. We built a snake, a dinosaur, a butterfly and mousy. We used the cards for some and our imagination for others.

We hope that you like our pictures and that they will give you inspiration!

Mr McCabe, Mrs Sutherland and the team!

Den Building Skills

Who knew how many different skills are needed for den building?

The children learn about teamwork. sharing, vocabulary building, problem solving, risk assessment, time management, listening for instructions and finding resources …… possibly more!

Teddy loves den building as he gets his own harness to swing through the trees. We hope that you enjoy these pictures.