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Lendrick Muir – Day 2 – 28.2.23

Good morning from Lendrick Muir!

All the children are happy and smiling after achieving their first overnight stay at camp! They’ve had a delicious breakfast and are already thinking about what’s for lunch and dinner! It’s safe to say the food has been a hit!

The activities for the day have just started with a game of Lendrick Muir People Bingo. Outside tasks for the day will start at 10am and thankfully the weather is on our side. Activities today include king swing, archery, footgolf, buchcraft and sustainability.

Another day of fun and smiles ahead for all the children.  Look out for another blog post tonight after the cheesy disco!

Science – Christmas Lights

P6M took their knowledge of simple circuits to the next level when they were challenged to create a parallel circuit to power Christmas tree lights.

The number of fingers shown by the groups represents how many lights they were able to light up in their parallel circuit.


The pupils then drew Christmas trees and attached their lighting circuits!

Incredible results P6M…well done!!


Primary 6 Descriptive Writing

Primary 6 wrote excellent descriptions using only a picture as their stimulus. They had to decide what the boy in the window was looking at, and what his thoughts might be. We started off the lesson with a drawing activity and some vocabulary building.