Category Archives: Uncategorized

All About The Hub

Hannah has made a powerpoint about The Hub. Her technical skills outweigh those of Mrs Sutherland who cannot upload it – however, here are the slides which tell you a little bit more about what we do.

Maths, Literacy AND Creativity!

We linked our learning this week, making the most of our school grounds.

We went outside to collect leaves and sticks to make some nature art.

We measured two of the trees using only a pencil, a measuring stick and our brains!

We then used the descriptive bubble and Clicker to write about a picture from Jupiter Artland!

Here are some of our pictures.

Staying Connected!

Over the next week you will receive a phone call from your child’s class teacher to give you a brief update on how they have settled.  Please contact the office if your key contact number has changed.


New Term Dates

Please visit West Lothian Council website for revised term and holiday dates for session 2020/2021