By Skye and Hannah
This morning we were using clipboards and following instructions. We were learning about numbers in The Hub and outside.
We were learning about why we need numbers. Here are some things we found.
Number lines help if we get stuck.
Numbers 1 – 12 on the instructions for washing hands.
A barcode tells you how much things cost.
100% recycled plastic on the bench.
Numbers on the laptops help us know which class and teacher they belong to.
1918 – 2018 on the plaque to show 100 years since the end of the war.
01506 280000 for West Lothian Council.
Gear numbers on a bike. (Ms Delaney says that makes it easier!)
7 out of 10 to see if the girls’ toilets are cleaner than the boys!
Labels for classes on the packed lunch boxes.
(Hannah has made a slideshow which is to follow.)