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P1 2021/2022 Transition Update – Learning Programmes

In the 2020/2021 session, staggered start and finish times were implemented due to COVID-19 measures.  We are awaiting guidance on any changes to these and any impact on times for pupils starting or returning on 17th August 2021.  We aim to inform parents/carers as soon as we have more information.


In the morning we operate a safe arrivals procedure in the playground which means that only school staff are in the playground in the morning. Staff members are on hand at the gates to welcome children into the playground. You will receive information about other procedures in our welcome booklet.

At Uphall Primary School we use a range of learning programmes to support children as they learn new skills.

Literacy and Language

  • We use the Vowel House and Colourful Consonant approach when learning phonics. This approach links colour, actions and shapes to help children learn new sounds and blend them together to read words.
  • We use Oxford Reading Tree books to support the development of reading skills
  • To support children to develop their detailed drawing and writing skills we use Foundations of Writing and PM writing.
  • At Uphall we teach cursive handwriting throughout our school

Numeracy and Mathematics

  • This session we have been using the Numberblocks to support children learn about how numbers are made
  • We use a SEAL (stages of early arithmetical learning) approach to the teaching of numeracy skills using counters, dice patterns, rods, Numicon and Rekenreks to develop children’s understanding.
  • We make the most of our outdoor space and real life contexts to support the development of mathematical skills

Health and Wellbeing

  • At Uphall we use emotion works to support our children to identify and talk about their emotions using visual prompts to discuss feelings and possible solutions
  • All of our children have identified trusted adults that they can talk to
  • We use our outdoor space to build dens and explore nature
  • Children participate in PE indoors and outdoors, learning and developing their skills

More information about these learning programmes and ways you can support your child at home to develop their learning will be issued during the school session

Sports Day Activities

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to have our traditional whole school sports day  or invite parents/carers to spectate.  Luckily, we lovely weather this week  so Sports Day activities will take place during the class PE slots.  Scores will be collated for each house and the overall winner will be announced next week at assembly.

P1 2021/2022 Transition Update – Things you can do at home to support your child

Here are some ideas of things you can do with your child to help them develop literacy, numeracy and independent skills as they get ready to move into Primary One.

  • Play “I spy” but spell out the word instead of just saying a letter  e.g. p-e-n and see if your child can slide the sounds together to make the word. Make sure you use letter sounds rather than alphabet names for this activity.
  • Point out environmental print that they see around them (signs on shops, brand names on tins or cereal) Can they recognise any of the letters?
  • Share a picture book with them and ask your child to tell you what is happening using the pictures, what do they think will happen next? What do they like or not like about the story?
  • Encourage them to draw and add detail – drawing and mark making develops writing skills
  • Talk with your child about their interests, drawings and games
  • Play dice games – help your child to recognise the dots on a dice by counting them first to learn the pattern for each number
  • Encourage your child to use their fingers to show numbers, can they show them in different ways? e.g. – five can be made with two fingers on one hand and three on another or four on one hand and one on another.
  • Count aloud numbers from 0-10 and beyond. Count forwards and backwards together. Stop and start on different numbers
  • To build independence support your child to get changed independently, open snacks, zip up coats and put on shoes.

All of the information above and previous blog posts regarding uniform and equipment for school will also be e-mailed later in June to families joining P1 at Uphall