Category Archives: Small Group Setting

All Afloat for the Uphall Book Swap!

This morning The Cool Kids and The Fantastics have been very busy getting organised for the book swap which the Reading Leadership Groups are holding this afternoon.

We have had lots of books to sort out so had to do a bit of problem solving. We remembered how the books were sorted when we went to Broxburn Library and to Waterstones. We decided to sort the books into fiction and non-fiction. Then we thought a good idea would be books for big children and little children. We thought a good idea would be for the smaller tables to have the books for the little children so that they could reach !

Everyone worked really hard and had good ideas. Well done to Mikey who chose a book to look for boost words !

Here we are being busy and enjoying some new books.

Outdoor Learning Morning – What Do Snails Think?!

Mrs Stevenson had a busy morning outside with The Fantastics and The Cool Kids. They did some listening activities and had to imagine what the snails that they found might be thinking! We think they were probably wondering why everyone was looking at them! The children had made a list of natural materials which they thought they would find outside, and then used these to make pictures. Lovely fresh air learning for everyone.

Outdoor Learning, Maths, Language, Art, Creativity – All In One Morning!

This morning, The Fantastics took their learning outdoors.

We had a discussion about what natural materials the children might find, including sticks, pebbles, feathers and leaves.

The children chose a leader for each team and decided what pictures they were going to make. There was lots of discussion about sticks being longer and shorter or equal, what could be symmetrical in the pictures, and the feeling of the different materials like moss (light), stones (smooth) and tree bark (rough).

Both of the groups made wonderful house pictures. They added details like a road with a car on it, and a rabbit in the garden!

Well done everyone. One of the groups said that their leader had told them exactly what to do and that made them work better!

Here we are being creative.

Can We Build It? Yes, We Can!!

Thanks to Kirsty from the Ranger Service at Almondell Country Park for helping us out yesterday. Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Stevenson saw some excellent examples of imagination, creativity, teamwork and leadership skills when we were out building dens. It was wonderful being out in the fresh air, listening to the noises of the woods. We heard birds tweeting, the river running past and Kyle was able to tell us about the leaves crunching as he walked through them. Mrs Sutherland thinks that Poppy might like to go for a walk there in the summer holidays!

Here we are enjoying our outdoor learning.