Category Archives: P7-Mrs Hunter

P6 Community Clean Up

Today all the P6 children helped tidy up the school grounds as part of a community clean up.

Scottish Fire & Rescue Service – Fire Raising and attacks

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are currently dealing with a high level of deliberate fire-raising and also attacks on staff as reported on the news yesterday.

Please find attached digital flyers for children, young people and parents which highlight what the community can do to help reduce deliberate fires and who to speak to if you have concerns.

Deliberate Fire Setting – Children and Young People Flyer

Deliberate Fire Setting – Parents and Carers Flyer


P6H – Outdoor Maths

Today we worked in pairs to create negative number lines in the playground using chalk.  We created some questions for our partner to answer and used our number lines to help us with calculating the answer.