A huge big thank you to everyone who helped out with the Pudsey stall this week. The home baking that was made by parents and staff was a huge success and loads of Pudsey merchandise was sold too. The money raised is still being counted but so far the children have counted and bagged a staggering £1,295. The total will be posted next week. Mrs Hunter.
Category Archives: P7-Mrs Hunter
Buddy Time
All of the Primary 1 pupils have a big Primary 7 buddy to help them with their learning thought the year.
Already the Primary 7s have made a great job of helping the Primary 1s settle in to school. They have read traditional stories together and recently learned about keeping safe on Bonfire Night.
Today the children started a technology project together. Here they are making their advent calendars in preparation for 1st December. There was lots of great discussion about numbers and how to assemble the different parts of the calendar.
Pudsey Stall
The P7s are running the Pudsey Stall all week selling home baking and Pudsey Merchandise.
P7 Maths
This week the children have been continuing to learn all about decimal fractions using tenths and hundredths. They have been sequencing decimal numbers, adding and subtracting and today were working on multiplying a decimal fraction by a single digit using the standard written method. Well done P7 and keep up the hard work.
P7 – Term 2
This term the children will be focusing on decimals, fractions and percentages in their maths and have made a great start to the term with this. This week the children have been sequencing and ordering decimals, adding and subtracting mentally and adding and subtracting with the standard written method using tenths and hundredths. For their Japan topic the children have been set a research project and have been making Kimono bookmarks for themselves and for their P1 buddies.