Category Archives: P7-Mrs Hunter

P7 Sky Skills Studio Trip

The P7 class went on a school trip to Sky Skills Studio to create a 6 minute News Report called a ‘Healthy Lifestyle’.  The children had the opportunity to use camera equipment worth £60,000 to film everything and edit their final product into a professional report.  Some of the skills developed during the trip were communication, creativity, decision making and writing.


P7 Tobacco Awareness Workshop

Last week the children took part in the first session of their Tobacco Awareness Workshop.  The children learned about the dangers to their body and health and also the cost involved if choosing to smoke. The children have all been encouraged to get their families to make a ‘smoke-free home and car pledge’ to protect them from second-hand smoke.


P7 Poem

If only: a poem by Ava and Marcelina …


If only I could change the past

If only I could bend the truth

If only you were on my side

I could and I would


If I were the leader of this feud

If you put yourself inside my shoes

If I could now take over you

I could and I would


If only we could change your mind

If only we could re-write time

If we could be all powerful

We MUST and we WILL!

P7 Snow Day Work

While you are at home because of the weather, here are some activities that you can be working on:

  • Practise your times tables
  • sign in to your Sumdog account and play some maths games
  • practise your spelling words in the snow and take a picture on your device
  • complete some activities from your optional homework sheet
  • read a book of your choice for world book day and write a character description in your jotter
  • carry out out some extra research on the Jacobites

Mrs Hunter