Category Archives: P3/2 – Mrs Grenfell/Miss Richardson

P5 Class Assembly!

Lots of suggested activities have already been posted on the blog for you to choose from. With our assembly being not far away at all, please continue to go over lines and song words in preparation for this. Some detailed drawings of fruit and veg would also be fantastic, the bigger the better for display purposes!

Our 2 main songs to learn which have already been introduced can be found at the following links:

Thank you for all of your hard work P5! Keep up the good work!

Mrs Morris 🙂

P5 World Book Day Challenges

Good morning everyone! Although we are not in school today there are still lots of things you can do at home to celebrate World Book Day.  Below are a list of challenges you could try out to join in the fun.  It would be great to see some pictures of you taking part in these; post them on our school twitter page or bring them into school with you when you return. Remember to tag ‘P5’ in your twitter post.

Stay safe and warm, and most importantly, have lots of fun!

From Mrs Morris

P5 Snow Day Activities

P5 Snow Day Activities

Hello everyone in P5! I hope you are making the most of the snow and have all managed to get out and have some fun!

Below are some activities which you can choose to complete.  It would be great to see some pictures of you taking part in these; post them on our school twitter page or bring them into school with you when you return.  Remember to tag ‘P5’ in your twitter post.

Stay safe and warm, and most importantly, have lots of fun!

From Mrs Morris




  • Watch Newsround and write a report about the story that interests you the most. You might have to carry out some further research. Don’t forget to acknowledge your sources.
  • Write a snow day blog to tell me all about what you have been up to
  • Write an imaginative story about a snowy day


  • Practise your words and songs for our class assembly

Snow Day Challenges:

  • Who can build the best snow sculpture? Forget snowmen, I know how creative you can all be!
  • Find out what the weather forecast is. Record this and see if the prediction is correct?
  • Help an adult clear snow off a driveway/path
  • Try some baking (Always ask an adult first). Research a recipe.  Measure out the ingredients and follow the instructions.  Have fun sampling what you make!


P5 visit to the Riverside Museum

Last Thursday P5 enjoyed a class trip to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow.  They saw lots of different types of transport and enjoyed participating in a quiz around the museum.  It was great to see so many types of trams and be able to climb aboard some of the exhibits to get a real feel for vintage public transport.

Enjoy the photographs.


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