Category Archives: P2 – Miss Anderson/Mrs Benzeval

The Twits!

Over the last few weeks P2a have been reading The Twits.  We have thoroughly enjoyed reading this hilarious book.


P2a have been learning about describing words – adjectives.  They created a class list of words describing Mr Twits character. Miss Anderson was most impressed with Lucy who suggested wretched and mischievous!

Can you think of any other adjectives to describe Mr Twit?



Last term,P2a went on an outdoor walk around our school garden. We discovered that there were apple trees growing! Some of the apples were ripe and had fallen to the ground. We collected some and took them back to class. Then we looked closely at them and noticed the different colours. Some were green, some red, some a little yellow and some had a mixture of colours.


P2 then explored blending techniques with paint.  We created our own 3D apple paintings!

So delicious and yummy!

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P2a Art – Van Gogh

Last term P2a were learning about farming. We looked at wheat and how it grew and was harvested. We found out about different foods that were made from wheat too.

Then we studied the painting – wheatfields with crows by Van Gogh.  P2a used oil pastels to create their own version of the painting.  We enjoyed using this different type of media, even though our fingers got messy!


Have a look at our wonderful wheat fields!

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Art – Snowman Paintings

In writing we are learning to write imaginative stories.  Last week we created our own stories about building a snowman that came alive!

What fun we had making up exciting stories!

Using this theme we created our own pictures of a snowman using finger painting.

We have not completed them yet, however here’s a peek at some so far!

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