Category Archives: P2 – Miss Anderson/Mrs Benzeval

P2/3 Wednesday activities! :)

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful day again!

Thank you to those of you who have sen me messages on the blog telling me about your Easter holiday and about how you have been getting on with work.  I really appreciate hearing about all about you.

Here are some of today’s activities.  I know Mrs BP will be posting some other ones too.

Please find the BBC bitesize website link below.  There are loads of great lessons and activities and videos to watch. There are even some games too! (Copy the link).

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Please message me here to let me know how its all going.

Miss Anderson 🙂

Numeracy lesson 1 subtraction week 3

Grammar lesson 2 Wk3 Verbs

Week 3 – Literacy P2/3, Postcards (part 1 of 3)

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Hello P2/3.  Welcome back to the blog!  You will find Literacy lessons here Wednesday to Friday.

I hope you all had a lovely holiday and have been managing to check Twitter.  I’ve written you a postcard to let you know what I’ve been up to.  Please read it then answer the questions using the link. This will take you to a short questionnaire.  Thank you.

2020_4_19_147053_22_37_Postcard Home Learning Week 3

Remember you can pick up lunches from Kirkhill PS.  I’ll also be posting on Twitter.  Any questions, please just ask!

Love, Mrs BP x

Functional writing – postcard

LI –          to show an understanding of the key features of functional writing.

SC –        I know the main features of a postcard.

I know who the postcard is to and from.

I can read for information to find at least one fact within the postcard.


P3/2 PE Wednesday

Physical – Go to the website Go Noodle. Select and choose some of the activities from the Fresh Start Fitness tab.

Physical – Join Joe Wicks for a live PE lesson at 9am on his YouTube page

Mental – Go to the Cosmic Kids Website and take part in a mindfullness video.