Category Archives: Nursery



This week the children enjoyed celebrating Halloween. We had fun carving pumpkins and dressing up . For snack we had spooky witchy fingers, ghost bananas and pumpkin tangerines. We have been discussing with the children the importance of firework safety and how to keep ourselves safe. We have been very creative and made some sparkly firework pictures.

3rdnov-011 3rdnov-013 3rdnov-014 3rdnov-016 3rdnov-021 3rdnov-023 3rdnov-030 3rdnov-031 3rdnov-035 3rdnov-036 3rdnov-040We hope you have a safe and fun bonfire night.

Nursery Wellie Walk

The children enjoyed taking part in our Nursery Wellie walk even although it was a windy day. We walked round the school playground in our wellies. We would like to thank the chidren, parents and carers and appreciate their support helping us to raise money to improve the nursery garden.welly-walk-199 welly-walk-208 welly-walk-216 welly-walk-220 welly-walk-229 welly-walk-253

The Nursery Big Dig

Thank you to our parents and carers who came along to help out last Saturday on the ‘Big Dig’.   The nursery garden is now looking lovely thanks to all of your hard work.

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Term 1 – Week 6

The children enjoyed sitting inside our new wigwam this week…


We enjoyed using the apples we collected from the school grounds to do some fruit printing…

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Mrs Galloway had set us a challenge at the playdough table this week. We had to see if we could create hedgehogs with playdough and pasta. We had fun making tall spaghetti towers and we could even thread pasta and cheerios onto the spaghetti!

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Term 1 – Week 5

We have been very lucky with the weather this week and our nursery children have enjoyed playing outside in the garden.  The children were using their large muscles to balance, jump and roll.

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Our new outdoor kitchen has been very popular with our children and they have been using their imaginations to create different recipes

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The children helped to make healthy pitta pizza’s for snack and were using their social skills to take turns and share the ingredients.

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