Category Archives: Nursery

Uphall Easter Eggs

Well done to all the pupils and staff members who took part in our Easter Egg Challenge! It certainly brought a lot of cheer and we have loved seeing your hard work.  Have a wonderful Easter from us all at Team Uphall Primary School.

Uphall Easter Egg Video

Easter Fun

We would like to say a big hello to all our friends and families at Uphall ELC.  We are missing our time with the children.

Have you been on a bear hunt yet? When you are out for a walk, look out for bears in house windows. See how many you can count whilst on your walk. A little bit of fun when you are out for your daily walk. Why not add a bear to your window for others to see.

Easter Activity

Easter is almost upon us! As children we remember dying or painting boiled eggs and having fun rolling them down a hill.  We thought it would be fun to decorate a boiled egg.  This is a good opportunity to talk about the oval shape of an egg and how delicate it is.  Enjoy this time just listening and talking to your child as they decorate their egg.  You can talk about colours, patterns and how your child wants to decorate it.  Give your child lots of praise for their effort and remember the end product does not matter it is your child’s master piece!

If you have a spare egg allow your child to crack it open and see what’s inside……children are fascinated with eggs.

If you do not have eggs perhaps make an Easter card, any activity that allows you to join in with your child.

Extra Activities

There is a lovely Easter story on YouTube that you could watch The Story of the Easter Bunny by Katherine Tegen and Sally Anne Lambert.

Lastly, the children really enjoy using the computer programme There is an Easter counting game called Teddy numbers which is tablet friendly. The children can have fun counting and giving the teddy Easter eggs.


ELC Team


Early Learning Centre Update

Here is more learning that has taken place recently. Please feel free to use this information to extend your child’s learning further.

Literacy: The children have been learning nursery rhymes and looking at words that rhyme. Ask your child to recite their favourite nursery rhyme and think of words that rhyme e.g cat and______, wall and _______.

The children have been very excited with a new set of books we have received from Mrs Bruce. The ELC team would all agree that Supertato by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet has been a particular favourite with all children who are able to recall parts of the story and act out the story. The staff’s favourite bit is the evil pea, “Mwah ha ha ha ha!”

We are also currently looking at how well we are doing at being a Gender Friendly Nursery. The children have been engaging with gender friendly roles in our environment e.g. firefighters, police officers encouraging them to know that most jobs can be done by men and women.

We are sure you are aware but lots of people have been making rainbow pictures to stick onto the inside of your windows so that when you and other people are out for a walk you can look for them and is a bit of fun. You could be discussing the colours of a rainbow and could share them with us on your Learner Journals.

Take care, Uphall ELC Team.


Learning Journals

Good Morning everyone. Hope you are keeping safe and well. Here is some information for you. On your Learning Journal there is now an option for Parent contributions. It would be great if you could let us know what your child has been doing while they have been at home. There is also a ‘Learning Journals for Parents’  App if you are interested. Please keep in touch.

Thank you, Early Years Staff

Good Afternoon Parents, Carers and Children

Under the present circumstances we would like to keep in touch with you using this forum. We would like to start by informing you of the learning that has taken place recently. You might like to extend your child’s learning with this information.

Health and well being

The children have been busy learning how to keep their bodies healthy through food, personal hygiene and physical exercise. One of the biggest learning points has been implementing our new ‘handwashing song’. Ask your child to sing it to you!

Wash, wash, wash your hands, wash the germs away,

If you don’t you might get ill and that will spoil your day.

Tune: Row, row , row your boat

(Remember Mrs Armstrong says “Safe Sally sings it twice for it to be effective”).


There has been an interest in measurement that we are following in a variety of ways.

  • the children have been exploring their height to see how tall they are
  • the children have been using mathematical language such as small, tall, big, long and short

Try using this mathematical language throughout the day as well as looking for objects that vary in size.

More learning to follow.

Stay safe, your Uphall ELC Team