Author Archives: Miss Connor

p4/5 weekly update

This week we were learning how to sequence a flip book. We had to make each piece of paper equal or it would not work. It told the story of a skeleton jumping and falling down.

We also learned how to use a handspan as a unit of measurement. We enjoyed measuring objects in the class.


from Kyle and Niamh.


Happy New Year from p4/5

We are all back and ready to learn!

p4/5 having been working really hard on their maths and literacy

We are very excited to have pupil of the week back, Lewis achieved it this week for trying really hard with his work.

Our new topic is Weather forecasts from around the world and we are excited to get started.

We hope you had a good holiday and we will be writing our blog on a Friday to tell you what we have been learning that week 🙂


P4/5 and Miss Connor



Well we had our first play days in nursery this week. We had a great time on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning where parents can come in and play for the last 40 minutes of nursery and play/tidy/sing with their children.

Here are some photos of us having fun together:

IMG_2623 IMG_2625 IMG_2628 IMG_2631 IMG_2637 IMG_2643 IMG_2645 IMG_2646 IMG_2648 IMG_2652 IMG_2662

p2/3 set our butterflies free!

We have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and the butterflies are now ready to be let free into our garden.

They were a bit reluctant to go at first, enjoying the sunshine! Our class have loved looking at them everyday and were a bit sad to see them go.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (2) 12

P2/3 Cool Creatures visit!

P2/3 has a visit from Callum from Cool Creatures who brought some mini beasts for the class to find out more about.

We met a python, giant millipede, hissing cockroaches, a giant African snail, a scorpion and a baby tarantula!

Here are some photos of how we got on…IMG_0502 IMG_0503 IMG_0505 IMG_0506 IMG_0508 IMG_0509 IMG_0510 IMG_0511 IMG_0512 IMG_0513 IMG_0514 IMG_0515 IMG_0516 IMG_0517