Author Archives: Mrs Sinclair

P6 Enterprise Project

Primary 6 did a fantastic job planning and organising their fundraiser.  They decided to hold a cake stall, run a sweetie tombola, hold a drawing competition for P1-3 and P4-7 and also have a ‘Guess the amount of sweets in the jar’ competition.

They all worked exceptionally hard and Mrs Hare and I are so proud of them all.

They would like to thank all the kind parents/carers and staff who contributed to the cake stall, all the pupils who participated in the dress down day and donated a chocolate bar/bag of sweets and most importantly to everyone who came along and supported all their enterprise events.  THANK YOU.


In total, they successfully raised £456.36!


P1-3 drawing competition winner: Florence P3G


P4-7 drawing competition winner: Ava P7

Guess the sweets in the jar winner: Lee P5/6 who corrected guessed 187 sweets in the jar