Author Archives: Mrs Galloway

Term 1 – Week 5

We have been very lucky with the weather this week and our nursery children have enjoyed playing outside in the garden.  The children were using their large muscles to balance, jump and roll.

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Our new outdoor kitchen has been very popular with our children and they have been using their imaginations to create different recipes

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The children helped to make healthy pitta pizza’s for snack and were using their social skills to take turns and share the ingredients.

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Nursery Open Evening

A huge thank you to all of our parents and carers who came along to the event, we hope that you enjoyed having a look around the nursery and meeting with the staff.  Here are a few photographs…

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Term 1 – Week 4

We have been enjoying baking scones for our parents and carers to enjoy on our Open Evening.  We were reading the recipe with an adult, and taking turns to carefully measure the ingredients.  We counted how many scones we could fit onto our trays.  Fantastic counting!!!

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Our children went on a learning walk around the school garden  with Mrs Baird and discovered our apple trees.  The children were very excited to see beautiful apples on the branches.  They collected some ripe apples for our nursery to show to their friends.



Our morning children have enjoyed dressing up as Princes and Princesses and they decided that they needed crowns.  With help from Mrs Nicholls we looked at beautiful crowns on the internet to see how we could make some in our nursery.  We have had beautiful Princes, Kings and Princesses in our morning session this week.


Term 1 – Week 3

This week at our messy table the children have been mixing primary colours on a plate, they had great fun creating new colours.


At nursery we are becoming very independent and can help to make snack, select our own food and then wash up our plates.  Snack time is a great opportunity for us to sit with our friends and have a chat 🙂


Thank you to all of our parent who attended the first ‘Parent Focus Group’ meeting of the term with Mrs Baird.  Mrs Galloway is looking forward to meeting you all at the next meeting.


Term 1 – Week 2

This week our children were very interested in threading at the number table.  They were keen to develop this idea further at the ‘creative area’ by threading different papers and materials using a needle.  This then progressed  onto threading pasta onto string, wool and pipe cleaners to make necklaces and bracelets.  We hope that you liked your new jewellery!


The children asked to paint their pasta and we had fun adding glitter to make the pasta sparkle 🙂

When painting their pasta the children told Mrs Galloway that someone had used the wrong brush and the colour was wrong. This then lead the children to become interested in colour mixing.

Other areas of our nursery were busy too…
