Author Archives: Mrs Creaney

Big Bedtime Read Book Donation Request

Uphall Nursery Class will soon be taking part in The Big Bedtime Read Project. This will take the format of a lending library and children will receive five books a week home to read with their family.
Please see the link below for more information.

As I’m sure you can imagine we need a lot of books to be able to make this happen, therefore we are requesting donations of books in good condition suitable for 3-5 year olds.
If you are able to donate any books could you please hand them to the nursery or the school office?
Many thanks for your continued support.

Mrs Creaney and the Uphall Nursey team

Families and Volunteers Wanted


In association with Save the Children, Uphall Primary is delighted to be hosting the Families and Schools Together Programme (FAST).

We are looking for 20 Nursery and Primary 1 families to take part in the programme which is designed for families to come together after school when there will be opportunities for the children to play, parents to chat and for everyone to share a meal. There will be 8 weekly sessions of 2 hours duration on a Thursday afternoon with a graduation ceremony at the end of the block. The intended start date for the programme will be Thursday 28th September 2017 from 3.15 – 5.15.

We are also looking for parents or extended family members and community volunteers to help with the delivery of the programme. Volunteers will undertake two days training at Uphall Primary on 14th and 15th September in readiness for the programme beginning on 28th September.
I have added a link below for a short You Tube video which gives more details.

It’s Nearly Sports Day

Uphall Primary sports day will be held on Tuesday 20th June, weather permitting.

The children from Primary 1-3 will begin at approximately 9.30 am and the children from

Primary 4-7 should be beginning at approximately 1.20pm.

This year will be a competitive sports day with children finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd being awarded house points.

There will be a session of potted sports where children will compete in house teams followed by class races.

Please come along and join the fun.

In the event of heavy rain, sports day will be postponed until Tuesday 27th June.



P4K’s Visit to Jamie’s Italian

On Tuesday 6th June Primary 4K visited Jamie’s Italian restaurant in Edinburgh. The visit was organised as part of our Food for Thought programme. When we arrived we made focaccia which we garnished with tomatoes, olives and fresh basil leaves. While our bread was baking we made fresh spaghetti nests then we ate lovely bowls of fresh pasta with a tomato and garlic sauce. Sonja, Krystyna, Janka and Chef Richie were fabulous, they explained all about the vegetables they used and we even had a quiz. We all had a great time learning all about Italian cookery before taking our spaghetti nests and focaccia home for an Italian feast.
Thank you to all the staff for making us feel so welcome.