Author Archives: Mrs Patience

Lendrick Muir Camp

Dear Parents/Carer,

Weather reports continue to have a yellow warning until Monday and snow showers are forecast  beyond that.

The children’s safety is paramount to us. With conditions as they are and consideration being given to the expected pupil experience, we have unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to postpone our trip to Lendrick Muir.

We have been in constant communication with the Lendrick Muir Centre over the past few days and are aware that they would need to adjust our programme if we were able to attend. The children may not be able to take part in the activities that we had booked. Alternative activites offered included snowman building and bread making. Although these would hopefully be activities that the children would enjoy it would have been disappointing not to be able to go gorge walking, king swing, archery etc.

We are currently looking for an alternative location later on in the term.

We have also been in contact with the bus company and have taken into consideration their recommendations about not travelling.

Please apologise to your child/children on our behalf.

Tell us what you think about or vision and values.

Please complete before Friday 10th November 2107 – Your thoughts are very important to us

Vision and Values.

We would welcome the opinion of all our stake holders, including our pupils, about our vision for the school and our school values. Please complete the attached Glow Form to tell us what you think.

Vision – Together Everyone Achieves More – Uphall Promotes Success

Values – Community, Honesty, Resilience, Respect, Responsibility and Tolerance

Very proud – Passchendaele

Mrs Fawkes and Mrs Patience feel very proud to have received the following email from Tommy Davidson today. Well done Team Uphall!

Dear All,

I hope you are all well.

Just over three months ago, we met up and started to discuss, plan and organise a Parade, Service and Reception to remember Corporal Robert Beveridge MM and all those that fell at the Battle of Passchendaele 1917, 100 years ago.

Our Association engaged with the local children/teachers at Uphall Primary school, West Lothian Council, CWGC, RBL Livingston Branch and we brought people together. If you click the link below, you can hear their choir with singer/song writer Alan Brydon, singing “The Road to Passchendaele” which was very moving. Ex Veterans took the time to visit the school, which was also wonderful to see. Our CWGC helped connect the fallen to local WW1 graves.

Our Association would like to congratulate the Depute Head at Uphall Primary Kirsten Patience and the entire school. They have engaged and learned local heritage that had been buried for 100 years. The men from Uphall had been forgotten until now. Kirsten and her amazing teachers have shown how easy it is to unearth local history and ensure generation after generation never forget men like Corporal Robert Beveridge MM and all those that feel in the Great War. The children have also learned about life and conditions100 years ago, children learned to appreciate how difficult life was, the hardship pain and suffering that many families experienced was dreadful.

Pupils from Uphall Primary School in West Lothian have been invited to help commemorate Corporal Robert Beveridge MM and all those that were killed at Passchendaele.

On behalf of our Association, could we sincerely thank everyone one of you, for your amazing support.

We Will Remember