We have been making our own fraction walls to help us understand the concept of equivalent fractions. This then also led us on to further discussions and we found ourselves adding and subtracting fractions too which was most impressive.
We have been making our own fraction walls to help us understand the concept of equivalent fractions. This then also led us on to further discussions and we found ourselves adding and subtracting fractions too which was most impressive.
This week in class we have learning about fractions. We used Numicon to help us convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. The pegs represented our numerator and the tiles were our denominator.
P6H joined in with pupils from all over Scotland again to take part in a second coding lesson. The theme this week was to create game to save the shark from plastic pollution in the ocean. The task was quite challenging as we had to use our maths knowledge of angles, negative numbers and co-ordinates to succeed. It was great fun!
Yesterday we had fun creating wordsearches for one another to complete that contained our weekly spelling words.
This morning we took part in a live code a long session with over 3000 pupils from across Scotland. We used a programme called Scratch to code and make a butterfly garden. It was great fun and used lots of our creative and problem solving skills.