Author Archives: Miss Mack

Our Minibeast Poems

Here are our Minibeast poems which we would like to share with you.

My Butterfly
Beautiful butterfly,
Under the Sun,
Testing her wings,
Really gentle,
Flying high in the sky,
Lovely Patterns while she flys,
Yesterday was the same.

The Snail

Snails come in different sizes,
Big and small,
short and tall
some snails are fat,
some snails are thin,
but the biggest one is the size of a cricket bat,
there are some differences now and again,
but none of them are as fast as a hen!

The Ladybird
Ladybirds fly all around,
Where theres no place to be found,
Theres one place to hide,
In a bush and such like,
Then at the end of the day,
They fall asleep,
Then tomorrow they come back out again.

Keep on checking our page for more of our wonderful poems!


Primary 3 – The Enchanted Wood

Hello Primary 3

Welcome to our new blog page. This term our topic is The Enchanted Wood. We are going to be exploring our local woodland and finding out about the different animals which live there.

Caring for our local area is also something we will be learning about. Last week with Mrs Creaney we were out in the playground  and collected two full bags of litter!

Keep on checking our blog page for updates on our topic!

Miss Mack