A reminder of what we can and can’t control.
Good tool to use with your child to support their emotional wellbeing.
A reminder of what we can and can’t control.
Good tool to use with your child to support their emotional wellbeing.
What a first week of home learning! Thank you to our families and learners for their resilience, patience and understanding during this challenging time. Staff have worked tirelessly to provide learning tasks and have been impressed by learner engagement. Some staff have also worked in School Hubs to support the learners of our Key Workers and assisted with the distribution of learning packs and school lunches. It has been great to see how we can all come together as a learning community.
Please remember to contact the school email address if you need any support or advice: wluphall-ps@westlothian.org.uk
Have a lovely weekend. Please stay safe!
WL Educational Psychology Service is launching a new telephone support service to help provide advice and consultation to West Lothian families, school staff, and our partner agencies during these unusual times. We aim to provide support, advice, or even just a listening ear for anyone who has concerns about how to support their own or a child’s wellbeing.
The service will be available from Monday 30th March, Monday to Friday from 9.30-12.30 and people are invited to call in to our main EPS number on 01506 283130 or send an email to our general email box at: ed.psych@westlothian.gov.uk to leave a message
Eligible families are welcome to collect a packed lunch or have a hot meal tomorrow (Friday) from 12pm – 1.30pm. Remember hot lunches/pack lunches are available today. Kirkhill PS serving fish and chips today!
Click on the link below for further information:
Sanitary products are available for school pupils to collect at all 11 Secondary Schools in West Lothian between 12 noon and 1.30pm (Mon-Fri). They are also available from the primary schools that are providing free school meals (those locations are on our website).
They are free and are available to all pupils who need them. Please observe the guidance on Social Distancing. This service is in place to help those that don’t have access to products and have no other option but to leave their home.