Author Archives: Mrs Kilpatrick

Mental Maths Quiz Blog by Arianne and Dylan

P6k have been doing a mental maths quiz we interviewed some people to see how they found the quiz and here is what they said…

Eilidh- I found my work challenging I understood most of my questions but some of them were a bit more difficult.

Scarlett– I found my work challenging I got 7 right out of 10 and the 3  that I got wrong were the ones I found more difficult.

Reece- I found my work challenging I understood most of my questions but only a few were a bit more difficult.

Alex- I found my work challenging I found most of them difficult but once Mrs Kilpatrick explained them I understood them.


Happy Halloween…..and Bonfire Night……sorry it’s a bit late.

P6K hope you’ve had a lovely time over the last few weeks with Halloween and then Bonfire Night. We have participated in some lovely art projects over these events. We created an image that felt spooky (by choosing colours and images that suggest certain emotions and feelings to us) and we also created an image of a bonfire setting. We tried to catch the warmth and excitement of a bonfire and fireworks show (we did this by showing movement in our silhouettes, also, by using small brush strokes to create the movement of the flames in the bonfire and by using dashed, curved lines to capture the explosion of the fireworks).


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Money Week – by Shannon and Alexandra

Money week !
Last week was money week and we were learning about budgets. We did lots of activities. In one of our tasks we focussed on budgeting for the making of a movie .We interviewed Arianne and Scarlett and Abi and Josh

Arianne:    Myself and Alisha were doing a maths sum for money week we were under the budget (the budget was 50 pounds)  and we remembered the decimal point!

Scarlett: Myself and Alexandra  were learning about budgets and totals. We were purchasing clothes and making up outfits for a budget. We picked two outfits and when we added the totals up they came within our budget.

Abi and Sophie :  We were learning about totals and budgets, we also used taking away and adding to help people with  their  budgets.

Josh:  I was learning about budgets and I was also learning that the decimal point always falls down when adding and you only need the pound sign or the pence sign at the total of my sums.



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Island Adventure!

The non-campers from P6, P6/7 and P7 were busy this week researching Islands. We looked at Tristan Da Cunha, Madagascar, Tahiti and then an island of our own choice. We used our knowledge of scale and ratio to develop various charts about these islands. We also created some marvellous art work. Here are a few examples:-

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We are P6!

This is going to be a busy term. We will be looking at how to write biographies, autobiographies and science reports. In maths we will be concentrating on measurement, initially looking at length but then we will investigate volume. Our topics this term will be to research our local history by investigating the shale mining era in West Lothian and looking a little further back, we will be looking at Bannockburn. Lots and lots to do and learn.



No wonder they’re not smiling!!!!!