Author Archives: Mrs Kilpatrick

P6’s Trip to the Burns’ Birthplace Museum in Alloway

Both P6 classes had an excellent trip down to Ayrshire to visit the RBBM, we had a fabulous time and learned so much about Robert Burns’ life and work.

We got the opportunity to dress up in the style of Burns and this really helped us to imagine what it must have been like in the 18th century.

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We had the opportunity to visit Burns’ cottage, he lived there as a young boy with his parents, brothers and sisters. His Aunt Betty also stayed with them for a while. it became very clear that the cottage would have been very crowded.

Attached to the cottage was a byre, this housed many of the family’s livestock. Robert and his siblings would have worked on his father’s farm, they would have had to feed the animals and muck out the stalls. We learned the names of some of the farming tools they used. There was a scythe, a sickle and a besom (a broom used to sweep away the animal poop).

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After the cottage we went a tour with Moira, our guide. She was very knowledgeable and took us down the Poets Walkway, around Alloway’s Auld Kirk (where Robert’s father is buried and also where the poem ‘Tam O Shanter’ was set) and also to the Brig O Doon.

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After lunch we visited the museum, which held so much information about Burns’ work and about what it would have been like to live in Scotland at this time. We found it fascinating.

Quite recently there was a 3D model made from a plaster cast of Burns’ skull. This model was at the museum and it was great to see because it showed him in a slightly different way from his more recognisable portraits.



We really enjoyed our trip and, even though the bus journey was long, we would highly recommend a visit to the birthplace of Robert Burns.

Josh and Alisha’s Blog

Hi, we were looking at Guided Reading and Technology  this week. Here is our report.

Guided Reading

Freestyle Karate 

Alexandra is reading a book called Agatha Parrot and the Mushroom Boy. It is about a girl called Agatha. She has a little sister called Tilly and a big brother called James that is very annoying. Alexandra thinks the book is really good because it is funny and really good to read.


The group is finding the comprehension challenge a bit hard but a wee bit easy. The group said they are getting some of the questions right but some wrong. They are doing their best to get them right and finish it.


In technology we were looking at design. We designed a ‘Go/Stop Sign’, we wrote down instructions of how to build a model and then we wrote a report. The report was to show how we got on and also showed what our next steps should be to make our model better.

What you need:

.1 kitchen tube

.2 sheets of scrap paper

.Paint green, red, black

.paint brushes


How they made it:

first we got our kitchen tube and covered it in scrap paper. Then paint the scrap paper in black paint. Next get your other piece of scrap paper and draw two circles then cut out both circles and paint one red and one green. After that, cellotape both circles on each side and then cellotape together. That is your finished piece.

Our next steps for our model were:-

. To make it bigger.

. To make the green Go and the red Stop more visible at night.

Why don’t you go and try to design your own Go/Stop project and see what it comes out like.

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Rememberance Day




Today in class we took a little bit of time to remember all of the men and women who have done so much for us over the many wars and conflicts that have happened. We thanked those who have served and who are serving, and we especially sent our thoughts and gratitude to those who have given their lives so that we might be free, happy and safe.



Guided Reading By Kyle and Reece

We are Reece and Kyle and we are the reporters of this week’s blog and we are reporting on Guided Reading.

Aaron was reading ‘Toilets and Telephones’ it is about how people made Toilets and Telephones and how they made flushing toilets. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, Clarence Birdseye he invented a freezer. John Brodie he invented football nets. King Camp Gillette he invented safety razors and Ladislao Brio invented quick drying ink.

One of the group’s tasks was to underline the words that has ‘er’  in it.

One of the girls was doing a Y chart. She had a follow on task from her reading on Wednesday. She is explaining things about ‘Divided City’ her reading book, like feelings, sounds and looks, on this Y chart.

Callum was doing a puzzle and doing work on it.

Dylan is reading a book called Back Home. The book is about a girl called Rusty she went to England to see her mum. She gets upset because of the English law the characters are Rusty, her mum, Beattie, Grandma and Granddad.


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